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July 09

Today. Was. The. Worst.

I'm literally sobbing and crying as I write this, I'll be surprised if there's not tear stains on the page by the end. Work sucked as there was a high amount of arrogant people who mocked me for being mute or were flat out rude. These two things made for a long day where absolutely nothing got accomplished which irritated the boss. All in all, work was the worst it's ever been.

Then as if that's not enough something happened with Kevin. After the torturous day at work I thought it'd be nice to hang out with Kevin to relieve the stress and just talk. Just the opposite of that happened. I went over there and we were just chatting about anime and so on, but before I could even tell Kevin about my awful day or even hint it he announced he needed to tell me something important. So of course I was willing to listen and asked him what it was. I honestly wish I never asked him to tell me.

He told me he's moving.

Kevin's moving away.

He said it'd be to Colorado at the end of August. The thought of Kevin being gone literally makes me wish I was numb, like I couldn't feel. It feels like someone's squeezing my heart with all their might and it's not the slightest bit pleasant. I keep repeating it over in my head wishing that I'd wake up, that it isn't real but just a dream. I keep hoping that come September Kevin will still be here I'm still longing for that to happen but I'm not sure it will as Kevin said he had to go. At this point I'm bawling my eyes out because I don't want him to go.

He's everything to me, my best friend, crush, just everything, and I don't want to lose that.

I don't want to lose Kevin.


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