
296 23 1

May 27

The movie was really good and the feelings afterward, not so much. As the credit rolled down the screen I snuck a glance at Kevin.

Then I realized that I had been doing that for the entire movie.

I had been looking at him periodically for the entire freaking movie. Then I was hit by feelings that I had hoped would never have and man did they snowball over the course of the movie. It had started out with a simple oh he's cute which Kevin is. Now it's Kevin's cute..and rather hot, oh he's funny, that thing he does is really adorable. This all hit me about five minutes after the movie while he was standing up and stretching, while emitting a silent yawn. Which was also adorable.

I really don't want these feeling though. All I wanted was a friend, not to fall in love. Kevin was just a friend and I was going to keep saying that to myself. In no way was I allowing that to happen. Enough about that, it's out now I'm saying good bye to those feelings.

Also it's almost June. Times moving fast, it feels like just yesterday it was April now it's almost June. It's crazy to think about how time passes along. How things can change oh so quickly. Soon it'll be time for class again which I'm still dreading, but I've got some time. It'll move quickly but I have time and I'm going to hold onto it for as long as possible.

Bye xx

Everything Left Unsaid>>GoldenBlackHawkWhere stories live. Discover now