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June 28

I admit it. I'm finally admitting it. I love Kevin. I can't stop it either, I'm infatuated with him and there's no help for me now. It was weird being in love then again I liked it. I almost think that I'm in love with being in love which sounds rather well stupid. It was something else to steal glances at Kevin and not scold myself afterward. The only only thing that left me dumbfounded about the whole situation though was that Kevin had not the slightest clue that I liked him. I don't know whether he'd become accustomed to me acting like a lovesick puppy or if he truly just didn't notice.

I'm hoping that he just didn't notice.

Work was good today though. I'd spent most of it in the back going through new arrivals. Though I did go through the store to hand another employee and someone got upset and practically yelled at me for not helping. I'm mute thought, I can't help. It was always frustrating when this happened though but whatever. It wasn't a big concern, I just moved on and tried to stay positive. That's all I could do, I was mute and didn't care.

That's really it for now though, I actually need to go again as Kevin's gonna be here any minute and I look like a train wreck.

Bye xx


A/N Here's the last of these for tonight, but I'm gonna go work on Running and hopefully up load that too. But this book is moving so fast ;-;

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