
291 19 0

June 4

Well here I am, writing again. I don't really have much to write today. Life's been very repetitive lately for me. I get up, go to work, come home, read, eat and go to bed. Then repeat. The only thing breaking up days and separating them is Kevin. It's like he knows how they start to fall together and blend into one massive day and tries to make visits or invite me to do things. I appreciated that though, it was more than sweet of him to do that for me.

That brings me to the next thing. The feelings I have for Kevin. It's becoming more of a problem because just the small things he does for me make me fall. Just a simple visit makes me like him that much more. He seemed so happy and full of life all the time something I wish I could accomplish but I guess with out speaking it's more difficult said then done. I've been trying to distract myself from all the thoughts like these though.

It's not that I don't like Kevin(I obviously do) it's just, he's my only friend and I don't want to lose that. He's the only friend I have, because no one has ever said I want to be friends with a mute girl, and so I've been trying to find a way to distract myself. I'd taken to picking out books from work, and basically drowning myself in all the reading. I'd been going through books like crazy and it was baffling to me that I could read like that. It was a sufficient distraction though as when Kevin wasn't around letting myself fall into a book made me forget about the feelings I had for him.

Oh well I guess that means I'm stuck in a world of books and trying to avoid feelings for Kevin. It can be that hard though, anyway I have notification for it. I have one friend, his name is Kevin and I won't fall for him because no one else wants to be friends with a mute girl.

Bye xx



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