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Hana's POV

I woke up yawning and turned to my nightstand. I grabbed my ringing phone reluctantly. I stared at my phone when I saw it was Tamaki. What could he want right now? I answered it and heard loud yelling. I sighed, "Tamaki..." Tamaki started whining, "But I can't find her! Haruhi might have been kidnapped!"

I heard Honey yawn and say, "Tamaki she's probably fine. I doubt she'd let herself get kidnapped." He whined, "But what if she was?!" Kyoya sighed, "Did you ask her dad?" Oh, it's a group call. Tamaki kept whining, "No but she's gone!" Soon enough Tamaki told all the hosts to go to a certain inn.

After a few hours, I sat at a cafe table watching the guys compete for the last room. I'll find out soon enough who won. The Ootori's have a house in Karuizawa. All the hosts do... They want to be near Haruhi so badly though.

I noticed her ask Mori to fix an in table which he picked up with ease. Oh yeah, he can pick me up to... Wait. I'm engaged to him now. What in the world am I supposed to say? I played with the long sleeves of my grey dress. I'll try to stay cool and collected. Just like Kyoya is.

I sighed and stared at the door. I rolled to the glass doors and peered out. I saw Honey sitting in a lawn chair eating cake. I smiled at the sight. Then my eyes drifted to Mori who was chopping wood shirtless. He's so fit... Kyoya came inside and stood beside me.

Kyoya stated, "So are you staring at your fiancé?" I said, "Hush." I looked up at him to notice a slight grin on his face. In confusion, I asked, "What is it?" He stated, "It's a match somewhat." I said, "Huh?"

He stated, "The engagement..." I said, "Yeah?" He said, "Are you okay with it? You two do seem to complement each other with your relaxed disposition." I messed with my sleeve, "Hmm..."

Kyoya tsked, "Have you ever even spoken to him?" I stated, "Not really." Kyoya sighed, "Well Hana you decide. If you don't want to, it will upset father though, you'll have to cancel the engagement." I shrugged while staring out the window at him.


Later I figured out that the twins got to stay in the room. I sat in the guest room bed at Mori's place. Kyoya had said, 'It's only a little while. Also, it's a perfect way to get to know Mori more.' I sat on it with my suitcase on the foot of it. I was in grey shorts and a black tank top. At least this house is only one story.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I slipped back into my wheelchair and started towards the kitchen. I saw Mori coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of water in hand. He had on a black tank top and grey jogging pants. I waved shyly, "Hi?" He nodded his head in response.

I wanted to calculate his thoughts but just couldn't. I unconsciously tilted my head, "Have I done anything wrong?" He shook his head no. I gently rolled back and forward, "Okay." He nodded as though trying to respond to me.

I gently smiled, "I'm going get some water then do my home therapy stuff and go to bed." He stared at me with confusion, "Therapy?" I smiled, I forget he talks sometimes.

I said, "It's somewhat simple. I push myself out of my chair and place my hands on a wall and try to stand there for one minute. After that, it's over. I rub my legs and massage them before going to bed."

He questioned, "You can stand?" I felt my chest resonate with his deep voice. My heartbeat picked up a little bit, "Not really, I have to have a wall for support. I can't move them in any direction. I can only stand barely. It's the choice to get the muscles built before moving forward. That's what the doctors thought would be best to build muscles before trying anything else."

He nodded in understanding. He walked up to me and ruffled my hair. I stammered, "G-goodnight Mori." He said, "Goodnight Hana."

Kyoya's POV

After arriving at the bed and breakfast I noticed Mori rolled Hana in. I nodded to her and she smiled back. Soon enough the twins kept switching around and she apparently guessed them right. Which I'm actually not too surprised about.

She rolled over to me, "I'm here." Haruhi came downstairs, "Wow everyone is here." She then went to Haruhi. She said, "Up late, huh?" Haruhi blushed, "S-shut up." Hana held a light smile, "It's fine Haruhi."

Then I turned and went to Mori. He nodded at me with respect. I nodded, "Hey was she okay?" He nodded his head yes.


We sat at supper with the rest of the hosts. Everyone smiled in the small local restaurant. Everyone ordered basic stuff, while I was focusing to make sure Hana was cautious. She said, "I'll have grilled chicken with no seasoning and mashed potatoes." I said, "I'll have the same as her."

After the light small talk and chatting for a while the food arrived. I cut into and took a bite of my chicken. It was bland and overly dry. I nodded to her and she nodded back. We ate occasionally she laughed at the twins or Tamaki's jokes. Then she started to look a little paler.

Honey pointed it out, "Hana-chan, do you feel sick?" Haruhi said, "Yeah. You are looking a little pale." I said, "Hana?" She pointed to her throat semi frantically. I tapped on my pockets but realized I didn't have one of her emergency pens on me.

I pulled out my phone, "We need an ambulance Hana is having an anaphylactic reaction." (Anaphylaxis- A life-threatening allergic reaction involving the entire body. It requires immediate medical attention.) I looked at the mashed potatoes and took a bite immediately tasting the strong amounts of garlic in it.

I stated, "Make it fast, it's a strong amount." I hung up the phone and went to her and shooed the other hosts away so they wouldn't crowd us. They were talking amongst themselves but I tuned it out. I looked at her slouched over. Her breathing ragged at this point.

I said, "Grab her shoulders and hold her back against her chair." Mori came forward and held her back. She weakly tapped at her hip. I moved her hand and grabbed her dress. I felt the cylinder-like feel of a pen.

I reached into the pocket of her dress grabbing it out. I put the EpiPen against her upper arm and injected it. I watched a wave of tension be released from her.

Hana's POV

I felt my eyes fluttering and tried to stay awake. Thank goodness... Kyoya noticed the pen... But I guess this means... I'll have to... go back... to prison... again... Then I couldn't fight any longer. I felt my head droop forward and my eyes close. I let the darkness consume me while fear bubbled up inside me.


I woke up and forced my eyes open. I stared up at the bright lighting and white ceiling. My body felt heavy but I croaked out, "H-Hi?" I felt a large warm hand on my left arm. I said, "H-hi?" Then I heard a voice say, "Hana?"

Is... Is that Mori? I realized the voice faintly, "M-Mori?" I heard an, "Mm." I said, "W-where is K-Kyoya?" I heard him answer, "Talking with the doctor." I mumbled, "O-Oh." I said, "When... when will I be o-out?" He said, "Next week or so." I said, "M-Mori........"

Originally Posted Feb. 16, 2019
Most recently updated Sep. 22, 2019

Sickly Prisoner (Ouran OHSHC Takashi Mori Morinozuka Kyoya Ootori)Where stories live. Discover now