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Hana's POV

I glanced at the boy that had just run in. "King, I want to be your apprentice!" Tamaki ended up accepting the boy and promised to teach him how to be a true host. I feel that this boy isn't here for all girls though. He's too young. Does he have a crush on someone?


The boy I found out is named Shiro. I sat with him and Tamaki today. Why did Kyoya send me here saying to keep an eye on the "troublesome" pair? My stomach is starting to turn. I let out a big sigh. "She doesn't look like a mermaid she looks like a carp!"

Tamaki started fumbling and I could feel the girl getting upset. I smiled, "Tamaki it's okay. I'll tell her." Then Tamaki went silent. I smiled tilting my head, look sweet and cute. I took a breathe, "Well Tamaki would be scared to say it. But Miss, most women want lips like yours. They're so full. They're pretty."

The girl smiled, "Oh my gosh. Thank you. A compliment from an Ootori means a lot."

I stated, "No I'm just rephrasing it for Shiro. He just said you have lips like a carp. Cause they have full lips too."

She stood up, "Well thank you, Shiro. That's very kind of you." And with that, she calmly walked out the doors.

I sighed, "Tamaki do better at damage control. And Shiro... Never ever, tell a girl that they look like a carp." Shiro pouted looking at the floor. Now I see why Kyoya stuck me here.

Later in the club that day Shiro left Tamaki and roamed the club. He started trying to define everyone. Honey as an elementary school and Mori as his cool friend. He went on until he landed into Haruhi bumping her and making the tea set rattle. After she tried calming him down he labeled her as a crossdresser.

He eventually got to me, "And somebody definitely has to have a crush on her. She's the sane one out of all of you! Look at her she's calm and collected. It seems like all of you are crazy."


Renge came out declaring Shiro the naughty boy type a few days ago. But no, that's not it. Yesterday the club and I stood watching him. He sat beside this girl, Hina, that he has a crush on. I like this it's nice.

I leaned back into my wheelchair listening to the beautiful music yesterday. I had never heard a piano or anything in person. I'll never forget the experience. Today Tamaki was yelling. Then I looked at the cause, Shiro stealing his customers. And it was the end of club time so Shiro got a kiss on the cheek from two of the girls.

I watched as Kyoya lead the girls out. Then Shiro grinned, "Bye guys!" Then he grabbed my wrist. He tugged me down the hall gently as I rolled myself with my other hand. We stopped halfway down the hall, "You're like a big sister, to me."

I smiled, "Thanks Shiro that's nice of you to say." Then I ruffled his hair. He shooed my hand away.

He weakly asked, "So... Why are you in a wheelchair?" Childhood curiosity it odd at times. Yet, I don't mind to tell him.

I weakly smiled, "Well I've been sick. I was in the hospital from birth to 16. Yet I'm getting better, that's why I'm at school now. The world... Everything is still so new. I love the new experiences of everything that isn't a doctor every few hours. Hospitals are prisons to me."

Shiro nodded, "Okay, I'm sorry for asking. And if you date anyone... Those guys in there... They're crazy."

I nodded, "I know, but one of them is my brother." Then he nodded to me in confusion and ran off down the halls, me watching him leave. I sighed, "Kyoya and I don't look that different, do we?"

Then I felt my chair move and I watched as I was headed back to the host club. I called out, "Hello?" All I was met with was a deafening silence. Wait... I questioned, "Mori-senpai?"

I heard a relaxed exhale. Well, any of the others would have talked by now. After the doors opened again I was met with the sight of everyone but Mori. Honey called out, "Good Job Takashi you brought Hana-chan back."

I said, "Why'd it matter where I went?"

Kyoya stated, "Cause I'm supposed to keep an eye on you." Oh, yeah... Father told him to watch over me.

I gently rolled my eyes while rolling in, "I'm fine." Then Tamaki started ranting about his daughters being so cute. Who's his daughters?

Originally Posted Feb. 9, 2019
Most recently updated Nov. 21, 2019

Sickly Prisoner (Ouran OHSHC Takashi Mori Morinozuka Kyoya Ootori)Where stories live. Discover now