In The Beginning- Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Why are you following us?" Mary's voice came from behind you two. Turning around, you barely saw the glare she gave you before she kneed Dean in the gut. Gasping, you ran over to help, but she elbowed you in the face before pushing you into the wall. Groaning, you held your nose which throbbed, but you needed to help Dean.

Mary was kicking his ass, and she goes to punch him but he dodges it and steps sideways.

"Are you crazy?" he asked. Mary continued to attack Dean, but he manages to grab her arms in a lock.

"You've been trailing us since my house," she growled as she struggled to get away. Recovering from the hit she gave you, you walked over to them.

"I don't know what you're talking about—"

"Really?" Mary interrupted her son. She starts to struggle some more, but Dean throws her against the wall and pins her there, holding her arm to the wall.

"Okay, how about we talk about this, huh?"

"Let me go!" she exclaimed. Something caught your eye, maybe it was the glint from the lights inside the diner, but you saw her charm bracelet which had all kinds of protective charms that only a hunter would wear. Dean must have seen the same thing because he let her go. She turned around slowly, eyeing you two before you spoke.

"Are you a hunter?"

"Are you?" she counteracted. Giving a look at Dean, he pulled down the collar of his shirt to show her his tattoo just as you lifted up yours. At the sight of the protective symbol, she eased up a little, knowing she wasn't in any real danger.

"Is John...?" you asked but couldn't finish your sentence.

"No, God no. He doesn't know about any of this, and I'd like to keep it that way. Look, I have to get back inside, but maybe you can come over later. We can talk then. You know where I live. What are your names?"

"Y/N and this is Dean," you answered. She nodded and left your sides to join John back in the diner.

"What the hell is going on?" Dean asked, clearly stressed about this.


"Dean, this is crazy," you sighed, running your hands through your hair. After Mary left, you rushed back to her house and have been waiting for the couple to get back.

"What did Castiel want me to stop? None of this makes any sense," Dean groaned, banging his head lightly on the side of the house.

"I don't know, but we have to figure it out or else we're stuck here. I don't know how to get Castiel here without that summoning thing we did the first time," you said.

"Yeah, well, it's not like he just—wait here they come," Dean said once he heard the familiar rumble of the Impala. Both you and Dean peeked out from behind Mary's house to watch the happy couple park outside of her house. Watching them kiss, it made you think about your own mom and your dad. Where was Bobby if he was such great friends with your mom?

Mary got out of the car and waved as John drove away, and that is when you and Dean both made your move. She walked up the path to the house but stopped and waited. Walking ahead of Dean, you approached Mary who turned to you.

"Y/N and Dean, right? I'm not sure you should come in."

"You can trust us," you said in a gentle tone.

"I mean, come on, we're all hunters, right? I mean, we're—we're practically family," Dean chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, thing is, my Dad, he's a little, um..."

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