In The Beginning- Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me," you asked the young man who turned to face you, "where are we?"

"Jay Bird's Diner," he answered.

"She means," Dean butted in, "city and state."

"Lawrence, Kansas."

"Lawrence?" you whispered in disbelief.

"Are you two okay?" the young man asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, tough night," Dean answered.

"Hey, uh, two coffees here, Reg," the young man said to the waiter as he pointed to you and Dean. Reg nodded and got out two cups.

"Okay, coming right up."

"Can you tell me," Dean says as he pulls his cell phone out, "where I can get reception on this thing?"

"The USS Enterprise?" the stranger said with a slight smirk. Reg came back over and set two cups of coffee in front of you and Dean. He was dressed in hippie gear, something that caught your attention. Either this diner was really into the 70, or something weird was happening here.

"Thanks," you smiled at Reg.

"Nice threads," Dean smirked. "You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?"

"Sonny and Cher broke up?" the man who bought the coffee for you asked with a surprised look. Dean finally understood what was happening around him and decided to scope the place out. However, your eyes were glued on the newspaper that the young man was reading. The headline reads "NIXON ACCEPTS REGISTRATION" but that isn't what caught your eye. It was the date typed in the corner. April 30, 1973.

Quickly slapping Dean's shoulder, he looked at you and was about to scold you when he saw what you were looking at.

"1973," you whispered. A bell ringing is what snapped you out of your thoughts. An older man walked into the diner and smiled once he caught sight of the person he was looking for.

"Hey, Winchester!" Both yours and Dean's head snapped up to look at this guy, and once you realized that he wasn't talking to either one of you but the young man next to you, you froze. The only other Winchester you knew of that could be alive in 1973 was... no, that's not possible.

"Son of a bitch. How you doing, Corporal?"

"Hey, Mr. D," the young man said with a smile.

"I heard you were back."

"Yeah, a little while now."

"Good to have you home, John, damn good," Mr. D chuckled.


"John?" you whispered at the same time Dean did.

"Well, say hello to your old man for me."

"You got it, Mr. D," John smiled before noticing you and Dean staring at him. "Do we know each other?"

"I guess not," Dean barely got out. John nodded and got up, throwing some bills onto the counter for the two coffees he got you.

"Take it easy, alright?" he said before walking away.

"Yeah," Dean mumbled even though John was too far away to hear him.

"This can't be happening," you said to Dean, watching John leave the diner.

"Let's go," Dean said as he got up, forgetting about his coffee. Taking a large gulp of yours, you followed Dean out the door, keeping John in your sights the entire time. Just as you tuned a corner, Castiel was standing there like he was waiting for you and Dean.

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