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Written by: sweetbratt


The ride back to Hayley's place was a short one. I wanted to replace her door before we headed back to the cabin, but we didn't have time. I stepped out for a smoke while Hayley packed and locked up. I could hear her fretting the whole time. Well not all of it exactly. I could feel her worry and hear bits and pieces of her thoughts. "What if he thinks I'm...., What if I don't know how to......, What will he think if...... How do I know what he wants when......." It always cut out before I could get what I needed to ease her worries later. This wolf connection is no damn joke. I've been around her all of a few hours and I'm already worrying about her like she's been part of me my whole life.

Hearing her foot steps on the front porch I walked up and took her by the hand. "I'll send someone out tomorrow to replace the door. But for now we need to head back to Maysville before the sun starts to set. I don't like to be on the road at night. She nodded her head and followed me to the bike to pack up and head home.

Making the turn in the drive way I realized Mama, Kolby, and Reese were still at the house. Parking the bike I slid off and told Hayley to wait here from me. Opening the door I prepared myself for Mama to fuss and Kolby to make wise cracks since I'd been gone for hours and haven't called. Reminding myself to try and watch the temper with Mama I walked towards her. Before she got too close, Reese spoke up from the living room. "Becky I know you're stressed but remember not to get to huffy. With all that's going on he could snap and not even mean to." "Oh will you hush." Mama snipped. "All I wanna do is hug my boy. Come here son." She wrapper her arms around me and some of the tension melted away. Came right back though when Kolby opened his fat mouth. "Who's the hottie on your bike? Wait is that her? Damn man she's...." He didn't get the last words out. I clocked him. Knew I shouldn't.

Knew good and well it was his way of a compliment and he'd never do anything. Did make me feel better though.

"Mama I know you wanna meet her but can it wait? I need to get to know her. And you need to take this other shit bird of yours home before he gets himself hurt." Kolby just glared at me and sulked by the door. Reese spoke up before Mama. "Making ourself scarce is probably a good idea at this point. They still have a lot to uh shall we say discuss before the moon comes and so their symptoms can go away." Mama gave Reese a knowing look before she turned to me. "You be a gentleman with her you hear me?!?!" With those words Mama grabbed Kolby by the ear and all but drug him to the car the long way around the back of the house. I heard her say hello dear and she drug Kolby to the passenger side not letting him get a word in. "Smart woman your Mama." Was the last thing Reese said before he hopped in his truck. "She sure is." I thought to myself as I made my way to Hayley. Because I'd have ripped his head off if he would have stepped towards her.

"So this is your place?" She asked looking around the front of the house. I shook my head and shocked myself with the words that came out. "No. Ours." The look on her face was a mix of shock and awe as we made our was inside.

"Living room and dining room are through there." I pointed to the left of me as we moved through the entry way. "This is the kitchen. Mama's only advice on the house was a big one. She knew whoever ended up with me would need it to keep me fed." I couldn't help the chuckle that slipped out when I heard her thoughts clearly this time. "The kitchen of your dreams hmm?" My statement visibly shocked her. "So you hear it too?" She all but blushed realizing I'd heard her thoughts the whole way back here.

Plus the thought that just ran through her head when I told her the master bedroom and bath along with the music room were the only ones up the stairs.... Closing the distance between us I pulled her close to help calm both our nerves. "It's all good beautiful. We don't have to rush into anything tonight. We can spend the evening relaxing, cuddled up, and just getting to know one another." I don't remember if it was a whisper of just one of my thoughts she finally heard. But the calm that washed over me must have been the wolf trying to calm his mate. Sad part is as soon as she was closer other things kicked into gear and I couldn't keep my hands off her. She whined at me when I pulled away. And the pain it caused in my chest was no joke. "Ok. New plan. You go put your things in the bedroom and run a hot bath with lots of bubbles. Slip in and give me a yell when you're ready. Then I'll come join you and we can talk. Figure the skin to skin will keep the wolves at bay long enough for us to actually complete a full sentence." The smile that idea earned me made me beam with pride. Could have sworn I saw her skipping steps to get up there faster. The bulge between my legs got worse when I heard the water start and I had to hold onto the island to keep myself from running up the stairs when I smelled her scent. It hit me the second I heard her jeans unzip. The time between then and her calling for me felt like hours of pure torture. Surprised the stairs didn't catch fire as quick as I made my way up and into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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