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Back to Brantley's POV:

I was floating somewhere between consciousness and unconsciousness. I knew that I was still sprawled on my bathroom floor, but I felt as though I were drifting in and out of reality. My vision was hazy as the two worlds fought for my attention. Eventually, sleep pulled me under again, and my mystery dream woman was running through my thoughts once more. Before me, I could see that I was standing in the woods, but I felt wrong. I felt too big for my skin. Too hot. Too alive. I groaned in pain as searing heat shot through my body. "Let him come." My dream girl whispered as she eased closer to me. "What? Who are you?" I asked with clenched teeth as I fought another wave of heat. "I am yours." She locked her eyes with mine. Amber. Just like I saw in the mirror. "Argh!" I snarled in agony and dropped to my knees. Something inside of me was fighting to get out. "Don't fight him. Let him come. Be one with your wolf." Dream girl said as she came even closer. Grabbing my face with her small hands, she tilted my head up to meet her eyes. "I need him. I need you. Let him come." She whispered. Then she was gone. "Wait! Arghhh!" I tried to call out to her, but it was too late, and pain overtook my body. Snapping my eyes open, I sat up with a roar. I was back in my bathroom. As I stood, I checked my reflection. Amber eyes again. Taking a deep breath to calm down, I paused. Then inhaled again. Sniffing the air, I let out a feral snarl. Who the fuck was at my house?! Storming through the house, I yanked open the front door, and walked straight towards the truck in my driveway. "Brantley!" I heard from the left. Turning, I saw Mama come running at me. "Becky no! Back up!" The man warned. "Who are you and why are you on my property?" I snarled, reaching out and tugging Mama behind me. "Relax kid-" I cut him off. "Don't make me ask again..." I warned and stepped forward. Mama slipped around me and planted her hands on my chest, trying to stop me. "Brantley stop! He's your uncle! The one I told you about!" I paused then, still baring my teeth at the man. "Well I'll be damned..." he drawled out. "What?" Mama questioned him. "That boy of yours is an Alpha." He looked impressed. I wasn't. "But that's impossible, Keith's Wilding Gene was always dormant!" Mama exclaimed. "Becky, does he look like he's got a dormant gene to you? Look at his build. Look at his mannerisms. I'm bettin that one's been an Alpha all his life, even before his wolf came." The man spoke. "Name!" I snarled. "What's your name?" I felt like I had a hair trigger. Like I was going to snap at any minute. "Reese. My name is Reese, and I'm you're uncle." He spoke calmly, with his hands out at his side. Once more, I felt the familiar pain spike, and I dropped to my knees, my hands digging into the gravel beneath me. "Reese! Do something!" Mama yelled, tears in her eyes. "Let him be Becky! It's the Wilding Change. His wolf is coming." Reese told her and gently moved Mama away from me. With a roar, I felt myself shift. Where once stood a man, now stood a massive black and silver wolf. Throwing my head back, I howled, loud and long. "Call Kolby, might as well explain things to both of them, no use having to repeat myself." Reese told Mama. "You feeling any better son?" Reese walked up cautiously. To be honest, I was calmer than I should've been. I should've been a neurotic mess. But I'd never felt more mellow in my life.

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