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Written by: sweetbratt

Becky's POV:

My heart stopped for a second when I heard my baby boy slur his words and hit the floor. The clatter of his phone hitting the ground snapped me from my daze, and all I could think about was getting to him.

Grabbing my keys and phone, I rushed to the car. This isn't supposed to be happening! Keith always said the boys would be fine, he said they would get to have normal lives and not deal with any of this mess. They made it past 21 without the first sign of the gene being passed on to them. We kept them far away just to make sure it didn't happen.

Plus, Keith was a passive carrier since he wasn't the oldest of his family, and they never forced anyone to go through the "passage" as he put it. His family always gave a choice. They got to decide if they wanted to phase and connect with the wild side or let it stay dormant.

From what Uncle Reese told me during our last meeting, there was always the chance of some side effects; bulky build, short aggressive temper, dominant tendencies, and heightened senses, like sight, hearing, and smell. Keith had heightened senses. He use to love messing with the boys when they were younger. The thought made me laugh as I wiped away a tear. Damn you Keith Gilbert, I'm not supposed to be doing this by myself. You were supposed to be here incase this ever happened.

Now I have to introduce my boys to a complete stranger and tell them the story of a side of the family they've never met. A story that will either make them think I've lost my marbles, or make them very angry that I kept all this from them. Either way, we have a long road ahead of us. I just hope I can reach Uncle Reese. Cell service is spotty in his area and reaching him is even more tricky since we are getting closer to a full moon.

His voice mail kicked on as I pulled into Brantley's driveway. I could hear the frustration and fear in my voice as I left a message "You've gotta head this way. Something is going on with Brantley. I'm going to need your help Reese, I don't know what I'm doing and we are going to need you."

Panic started to take over when I jumped out of the car. But relief washed over me when I saw Reese waiting by the front steps. "Why didn't you answer?" I half yelled at the man. I could have slapped him when he gave me that classic blank Gilbert look, like I'd asked something outlandish. "I could see you coming down the drive way." He never flinched as he lit another cigarette.

"Well don't just stand there!" I yelled as I snatched the cigarette from his mouth before he could light it. Shock hit me when Reese grabbed me by the wrist before I could head in the house. "Becky, you need to wait. Seeing your boy like that won't do you a bit a good. There's nothing to be done. He will come to on his own. If you run in there and wake him up before the wolf is ready it could get ugly. Especially with me here. I'm a man he doesn't know, on his territory. He could rip my head off before you could even move. Now go sit down. I'll go get you some coffee from my truck." So that's what I did. Now here I've sat for 30 minutes in my car. My boy is 100 or so feet away. I don't know what state he's in, and I don't know what to do to help him.

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