18 • explain

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It was another regular day in the house however Marcus was in bed resting and you were downstairs feeding the kids for breakfast. You were rushing them as their private tutoring session was soon and you didn't want to be late.

Marcus came down the stairs in joggers and with no shirt. "Put a shirt on" You huffed throwing him one that was laid on the chair and he placed it over his head placing it on "Someone's in a mood" He pointed at you whilst looking over at Charlotte who shook her head.You rushed around the kitchen trying to prepare everything. "I'll do the rest, you go back to sleep you look exhausted" He said grabbing the pre made lunches from the fridge. "Thank you" You released a sigh of relief and headed back upstairs and just sat on your phone. You switched off you phone and took a short nap.


You were suddenly woken up by the space beside you being filled and someone stroking your hair. Which was a feeling you loved. You fluttered your eyes open and Marcus was there. He was taken back and stopped stroking your hair.

You sat up and suddenly hugged him. He didn't respond at first but a few seconds later he hugged back, holding you by the waist tightly. You just needed this. The past month has been absolutely stressful and eventhough Marcus was one of the reasons why, you still loved him because you spent some time together healing with the help of the kids. If you didn't have them, you definitely would not be together anymore.

You pulled away "Sorry, I just needed a hug"

"It's ok" He smiled. "Any plans for today?" He asked

"I think we should just talk. I'm finally allowing myself to accept and listen to what you have to say." He nodded and grabbed your hand.

"Well, I'd just like to apologise for all of this" He paused "I started all of this mess which didn't need to be started so I'm so sorry again" He held you tighter "I love you so much I promise on my whole life to fully submit my love to you and the kids" You couldn't help but laugh. He looked at you confused.

"It sounds like you're saying vows to me, are we getting married" You laughed again and he laughed aswell "Soon" He winked. It took a second for you two to become serious again "Its okay, Its all my fault, I was too selfish to not forgive you and I realised that the kids need us both. They need us both to be happy. I'M sorry. Its all my fau-" He cut you off

"Never say its your fault. Never" He sternly said causing you to look down.

"I have some news about Mateo" You said changing the subject

"Hmm this Mateo guy again, don't like the sound of him" He said fumbling about on the bed.

"Charlotte is dating Mateo" You splurged out. He looked at you.

"She is???"

"Yeah remember at Nandos? That was a date"

"No no no no no. Dating?" He said in disbelief. "They're dating" He said still shocked. "Yeah. Charlotte and Mateo" You laughed "Call her over we need a discussion" He said pointing to your phone.

You dialled and made some lame excuse and she was easily manipulated and came over.


The three of us talked till the night. The kids returned and took naps while us adults conversed in the living room.

Charlotte soon left with the kids to stay over at her house with Mateo and Marcus had fallen asleep on the living room couch.

You wanted to get your mind of things so you slipped on a jacket and headed to the nearest bar.


~ explain

Alone Together | Marcus Rashford FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora