5 • broken

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The day replayed in my head as I waited in the lift heading back up to our old room. As I grabbed the handle of the door, I heard soft music playing from the room. I unlocked the door, the music got louder and I flipped the switch to find a girl dressed in a skinny red dress laying on the bed on her phone with a glass of wine in her other hand.

The room was surrounded with candles and there were rose petals scattered all over the floor. Near the bed the petals spelt M + L and I stood there with tears rolling down my face in shock. He didn't.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" I shouted. She jumped off the bed. Marcus came running through the door and the door flew open.

"Y/N. Lucia. Y/N. Lucia. Hold Up." He said slowly.

"Y-you know who she is" I gasped my eyesight became more blurry due to the tears overflowing out. "How could you" I managed to choke out. He didn't even say anything he just looked down at the floor. I ran towards him and pushed him out the door while pulling this 'Lucia' girl by the hair and shoving her out the door aswell. "Y/N i'm so sorry. Y/N" I slammed door and hit my back again the door. I held my chest and fell down the door. I couldn't take it. He cheated.

More and more tears fell down my face. I was crying so much that I couldn't here Marcus banging against the door begging for me to open.

It hurt. It hurt so much.


Its been a whole day and I hadn't moved. I couldn't even bare to get out from the bed. I sat there with mascara stains from me crying all night.

I had over 80 messages and calls from Charlotte, Dele, Ruby, Marcus, Jesse, Gareth. Literally everyone.

I sat in the room just lost in my thoughts. What did that woman have that I didn't? Was I not worthy enough for him? Does he not care about out children? So many thoughts.

Throughout the whole night I could hear Marcus from outside and he kept knocking, sobbing and mumbling things like

"Im so sorry, please I love you"
"This is all my fault"
"Please open up"
"I'm so dumb"
"I'm a fool to do this to you"
"I love you, open up"

But after an hour or two he gave up since he had to wake up early for training tomorrow.

It was the next day and I heard yet another knock. It was Charlotte and the kids, I'm sure they had heard the news by now.

"Y/N dear, please open up. The kids and I brought you food" She gently knocked.
"Mummy, can we please hug you" Your three year old son said from the other side of the door. You knew Marcus wouldn't be there so you slowly opened the door. Charlotte said facial expression turned from a worried look to a front.

"Babyyygirl, come here" You hugged her tightly and sobbed again. "Marcus was a fool to do such stupidity to you. How could he" The kids joined the hug. You wiped your eyes and gave the kids a kiss. "Mummy you ok?" Mahëa asked twirling your hair. "Sure baby, just a little sad but its ok now that you two are here with me" You smiled to them and let them in.

The petals and candles were still laid around the room. Charlotte and I cleared the room shoving everything into a bag and throwing it straight to the trash.


broken ~

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