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I slammed the car door. Locked it and ignored everything inside. I would tend to it later but in that moment, Tyson was rushing through my mind. I barely made it to the front door, when it swung open to reveal a mischief smile and his dark eyes. Jackson stood with power as he opened the door for me. Wider to welcome me in. "Please do come in. Someone's waiting for you in your room. Would hate to leave him alone for so long." I tried to understand his game. Where he was leading to but as I narrowed my eyes and stepped into the house, tow large men in ski masks were at my side. One held my right arm, my good arm. The other placed a strong grip on my left shoulder. I hissed at the pain.

     Struggling to get free, I kicked the one on my left. My foot hitting his knee as he released me and tumbled slightly. His friend was in shock. Too confused to the quick commotion that it gave me enough time to punch him in the nose. A loud groan was heard as he held his nose. The outline of blood dripped below his mask, some blood dipping into his mouth. Jackson stood by the door, a smirk on his face as he watched me. I wanted to punch him. Just as I stepped towards him, the guy from before was on his feet and held my waist. His friend was holding his nose.

     The man holding me, holstered me into the air as I kicked back my right leg and knocked him in the balls. He released a high pitch squeak and grabbed his manhood. I wasn't done. I wanted Jackson. But the sound of a gun clicking made me freeze. My hands went in the air as I turned to face Jackson. "As much fun as that was, I'm really not in the mood." He stepped closer and pressed the pistol to my head. "Now, act like a good girl and stop fighting." When I didn't respond, his thumb creased into my broken shoulder. I screamed and nodded my head. "Good." Within seconds he tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

     "You're a fucking bastard Jack." I hissed as pain shot throughout my body.

     "Don't worry little one, we're almost there." Jackson sang as we began to climb up the stairs. With every step he took, my heart raced.  I knew I couldn't go anywhere. I knew it was hopeless to fight against him. He had Tyson locked in my room. When we reached the top of the stairs, I body quickly hit the floor. I groaned in pain as Jackson lifted me by the good arm. "Come on." Once on my feet, he released his hold on me and made his way towards the girls wing. The two masked men stood behind me. Their lips tugged down. Both big and scary, and probably pissed off at me. I would die instantly if I ran away. The faint outline of a gun in their pants caused me to gulp.

     What scared me the most, was how no one was home to witness anything. Everyone was at school and Mrs. Reda was at work. It was the middle fo the day. Nodding to myself, a surprised sound left my lips as I placed my index finger on the tip of my tooth. A smile took place as I laughed at my own stupidity. "This bitch gets crazier and crazier. One minute she's killing someone, the next she's talking to herself." Jackson snickered. "Maybe she should see a therapist."

     Rolling my eyes, I placed my left hand on my waist as I stared back at Jackson."Oh sweetie. It's not me who's getting crazier, it's you." Gesturing to the situation we were in, I let our a huff. "You don't see me kidnapping people's boyfriends and threatening them." My index finger directed itself to him. "I think you're the one in need of a therapist. For both this and to help fix you family issues." Jackson stopped walking as he looked back at me. His eyes turned a shade darker. I knew it was a bad idea to speak about his family but it was a give and take situation. He already had me and my boyfriend. Mind washed one of my best friends. It was worth it.

     Needing to continue, I pushed a little further. "Oh wait." I faked gasped as I clammed my left hand over my mouth. "It's true." Pulling away my hand, I chuckled at him. "You don't have one because they're all dead." The two men behind me shared a worried look. Jackson handed me a deadly glare. My smirk grew as I waited for a response. I knew the risk of what would happen but I didn't care. He took Tyson from me and probably told him false things about me. It was only fair. I knew I could scare Jackson with the one thing he cared about most, the one thing he lost due to his mistakes. "Tell me again why they're dead? I can't seem to remember." I itched forward.

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