You breathed out a soft 'Thank you' before ending the call and leaning you head back on the brick wall behind you. Luckily it was kinda late in the evening so there weren't a lot of people who could see you in this state.

You continued crying. You couldn't believe how easy he had dumped you, as if you were nothing more than just a simple toy to him. At the beginning of your relationship you thought you finally picked out a nice guy, someone who wouldn't hurt you. And again, you were wrong.


You started to lose faith in the 'you'll find the perfect guy eventually,' and the loose promises of 'the right guy will come along,' your friend always told you about. You closed your eyes, giving up on wiping the tears away as they continued to fall down.

"I'm here!"

You heard a familiar voice a few steps away from you. You opened your eyes, seeing Hoseok running towards you. You pushed yourself away from the wall and stepped forward, colliding with his chest and crying into it.

He brought his hands up to your back and began to draw imaginary patterns, trying to comfort you while you were staining his shirt with your tears. He rested his chin on your head while whispering "It's okay now, you don't have to deal with him anymore, he's just a jerk, he doesn't deserve you," and softly swaying from left to right.

After a few minutes he pulled away. "Let's go home, okay? It's getting chilly and it's certainly not worth it to get a cold over."

You nodded and let him guide you to his car, stepping in and looking out of the window while waiting for him to get to the other side.


"There you go." Hoseok said as he carefully gave you a cup of warm tea. After you got to his house you cried some more before getting rid of the ruined make-up and changing into one of his sweatpants and over sized hoodies - having a guy best friend had it's perks.

You softly smile as a thanks and took the cup. You sat on his bed, sipping on the lemon-flavored tea while Hoseok got a pair of extra blankets, spreading them out over the floor before sitting down next to you and rubbing your back. When you finished the cup of tea you put the empty cup on the nightstand and leant back against Hoseok's chest.

"Feeling better?" He asked, causing you to shrug as a response. "I could've seen it coming."

He frowned. "How so?"

"Well," You sat up to look at him. "Every guy I've been out with has left me like this. I just- I don't know why I thought he'd be any different."

"Are you serious?" Hoseok asked with a sarcastic chuckle. "Why would you think that? I mean, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met in my entire life. If they don't see that, it's their loss. It's not you fault they're not ready for your amazing self, you don't have to feel bad about that. They're not worth it."

You sniffed as a few tears spilled from his little speech. "Thank you Hobie. That's.. Really sweet." You smiled. He smiled as well and pulled you in for another hug, kissing your forehead.

"Only stating facts."

You hugged for a few more seconds before he pulled away.

"You should go to sleep, you look tired after all that crying." He pointed at your face. You chuckled and nodded, guessing you looked like a total mess. Hoseok smiled and got up while you got under the duvet. He sat down on the pile of blankets next to the bed, making you pout.


He looked up to you. "Mhm?"

"Uhm.. Do you mind, like, not sleeping on the floor tonight?"

He tilted his head. "What?"

"Well.. I kinda don't want to be alone right now.. So, do you mind sleeping next to me?" You softly asked and looked away.

He chuckled. "No need to be embarrassed, it's okay." He stood up and walked to the other side, getting in next to you and laying with his back towards you. You didn't feel uncomfortable with him sleeping in the same bed at all. As best friends you've had a lot of sleepovers, so it wasn't uncommon to sleep in the same bed.

"Goodnight." He said and turned off the light.

"Night.." You said, laying on your back.

You sighed. You couldn't sleep like this. You turned onto your side, looking at the wall. After a few minutes it started to hurt your shoulder, so you turned on your back again. You rubbed the bridge of your nose and turned on your other shoulder to face Hoseok's back, sighing deeply.

"Is something wrong?" Hoseok asked as he turned around to face you. "If you're still upset we could talk to get your mind off of it?" He said while looking worriedly at you.

"N-No, it's not that.."

"Then what is it?" He frowned.

"Well.. I kinda want to cuddle something tonight, I don't know why.." You said, a little embarrassed. He chuckled and gently grabbed your waist to pull you closer. "Fine by me."

You smiled and nuzzled your face into his chest. "You're a hero, Hobie."

"Or so I've been told." He laughed. You smiled and closed your eyes again. "Thank you."

"Anytime. I can't stand to see you sad, and the fact that a guy's the reason why just makes me sick."

"You're the best, you know that?"

He chuckled and kissed your forehead. "You've told me over a million times, so how could I forget?"

"Only stating facts." You said, copying his words from earlier.

"Mhmm, goodnight." He smiled.

"Night, Hobie." You said and nuzzled into his chest once again. Hoseok was seriously the best, and you were so thankful to have him in your life.

You started to drift away, listening to his heartbeat. You smiled again. He truly was the best. You fell asleep in the loving and protecting arms of your best friend.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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