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Your expression dropped after that statement, your movements coming to a halt. As if frozen in time, your mind instantly began to put the pieces together.

The perpetual rain, it was all just a figment of your tortured psyche. A piece of your death that has been with you for weeks, wanting you to remember what it was you had forgotten but fell only on fearful ears that were too stubborn to listen.

"Hey." Taehyung cooed, quickly taking a stance in front of you. He'd seen that blank, cold, dead stare a few times now, so it was natural when he grew worried. "Look at me, Y/N." He commanded softly, but you were too enamored in your own mind to listen.

"Y/N." He called again, this time a bit louder as his hands shot to your shoulders and held them tightly.

You broke from your spell and raised your head, instantly met with beautiful pools of dark obsidian.

"It's going to be okay." He reassured, his deep baritone voice breezing into your ears, trying to soothe you.

Feeling your throat grow tight, you only offered a nod of your head in agreement. Well, at the very least, wishful agreement.

Taehyung sighed, his chest deflating as he seemed defeated in his attempts to calm you. Reaching for your hands, he took them into his own and engulfed them in his warmth.

"I want to show you something." Taehyung said, guiding your clasped hands up between the two of you. His full lips spread into a kind smile. "Can I?" He requested.

You stared into those all too familiar hues now, with a sense of wonder that was pulling you out from under the chains of your mental state. Once again, you nodded, agreeing to his request as you felt your restraints loosening.

Without you even noticing, he lifted his head and released one of your hands to step to the side. You followed his gaze as it drifted away, noticing you were no longer in the heart of Tokyo.

You stood now on a slick brick sidewalk. Stone walls about eight feet high lined that path as far as you could see, elegant vines of emerald green stretching up the grey stone. Atop them, a level housed rows upon rows of countless cherry blossom trees kissed with the most beautiful light pink - almost white - color you could imagine. Branches hanging low, protruding into the carved out sidewalk you now stood on.

Your eyes went wide, taking in the immense beauty. The sidewalk glistened with beautiful shades of orange and pink, thanks to the little Japanese lanterns that hung along the wall, creating a contrast on the slick brick. It almost seemed as though the sidewalk was lined with small pieces of the setting sun.

A thick, floral scent mixed with the gruff bark of the cherry trees hit your senses like a train

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

A thick, floral scent mixed with the gruff bark of the cherry trees hit your senses like a train. You were in an instant state of awe. You had seen two of the most breathtaking sights you could recall, all thanks to the man that held your hand.

"Is this heaven?" You chortled half-jokingly as you settled back into your surroundings, knocked back to reality by the warmth you could still feel engulfing your right hand. Taehyung laughed, the deep rumble causing you to look his way.

Perpetual Rain ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat