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Your mind began to shift into hyperdrive. The running thought that maybe you were the reason your parents were unable to find peace because you were still lingering in their presence drove you from home, quite literally.

Overwhelmed with your suspicions, you ran out of the front door in a sudden panic. Still clad in the comfortable clothes you were using as pajamas, your feet bare against the earth, you began to barrel down the street and head into town. The rain relentlessly fell from the sky now, like the downpour you had faced in that cavern. You had to get far away, you wanted to get as far away from them as possible. In your mind, you hoped doing so could save them.

You felt your feet begin to scrape against the unforgiving asphalt in your dead sprint, the skin becoming raw, and you felt as though you could have been leaving bloody foot prints in your wake. Your lungs burned, taking in the cold fall air as fast as you could to help fuel your escape. Dark brunette locks tied back into a ponytail whipped and flailed about as you made a mad dash for the center of town.

You were hurting them, at that moment you were convinced of it. You ran for what seemed like forever before the tall tower on the edge of town with a blinking red light caught your attention. The airport ... the tiny little airport your town had that only went to the nearest big city and nowhere else. You hopped on a bus without having to worry about how you were going to get back home. You could do the same thing for a plane, right?


Your run began to slow, and your body sluggishly coming to a stop as you finally reached the automatic doors of the airport. You were a soaked mess. There wasn't a piece of you that was left untouched by the pouring rain. You could see your own reflection in the glass staring back at you.

'Ha... pathetic.' Was all you could think as you stared dead into the eyes of your own form. Thinking of the future, you never imagined you would end up here, like this. You had hopes, dreams, ambitions, just like everyone else but... life just had a different idea for you. Where did it all go wrong?

Gritting your teeth, you hissed in a breath and pushed yourself into the building, taking one step over the threshold. As soon as your foot hit the cold tile floor, you closed your eyes for a split second and by the time your other foot hit the ground, you had clad yourself in entirely different attire. That little trick Jimin had taught you was becoming so much easier to control.

You put yourself in black, ripped jeans that had fishnet underneath the large holes. A baggy grey t-shirt hung loosely off one shoulder and was paired with a graphic zip up hoodie that you were only partially wearing, letting it hook in the crook of your elbows like a shawl. Ankle-high boots with a galaxy print, tied very messily, were one of the only colorful pieces that adorned your frame. Though, it wasn't the only splash of color you had given yourself.

You learned that not only could you change your attire with the blink of your eyes, but the color of your hair as well. You could completely transform yourself into someone who was nearly unrecognizable. Once medium length brunette locks turned to jet black hair laced with the most luscious blue, it even extended in length. Regardless, this was nothing more than a parlor trick that helped in no aspect but to boost your own self-esteem.

At that moment, however, you no longer wanted to be you. You waltzed into the nearly barren airport as if you ran the place and walked straight up to the departing flight's board. You scanned the times and noticed there was a plane about to leave in little more than 10 minutes. The airport wasn't big, there were never more than three planes stationed there at once.

Wandering over to the window, you looked to see which terminal the lone plane was docked. They were loading up the last of the luggage and were about to close the door. Strutting through the scattered people, you walked straight past TSA and stepped through the metal detector. It didn't go off, of course it wouldn't. You didn't bother to look at a single person around you, just as they didn't even notice you were there.

You picked up speed a bit, jogging to reach your destination just before they closed the gate to the terminal. Barely slipping through the door before it was slammed shut behind you, you walked down the large corridor to the plane. Quickly stepping into the metal contraption, you pushed your way toward the seats. Thankfully, the flight wasn't full - not that it mattered, you could have simply stood in the aisle - and you spotted an empty window seat that you quickly wasted no time in occupying for yourself.

Damn, if only flying was always this easy. A normally hour process was just finished in less than four minutes.

You shrugged your shoulders, pulling the jacket further up your arms as you pulled up the blinds to the small tunnel window and looked out. The rain rushed down the side of the plane like someone was standing atop the aircraft with a hose.

You didn't care to buckle your seat belt and simply nuzzled yourself deeply in your seat. You kicked up your boots and planted them shamelessly on the seat in front of you for your own selfish comfort. The seat pushed toward, causing the man in front of you to suddenly lunge, though he quickly attempted to readjust the seat once more and lean back, but your force wouldn't let him. He began to mutter about the crappy quality of the airplane seats and stated how his seat must be broken. Right... 

Ignoring his anguish, you began to tune the world out and simply focus on the scenery outside. You could see the faint flashes of lightning in the distance that shuttered against the sky like breaking glass, followed soon after by the rolling thunder that you could nearly feel vibrating the plane. 

Tucking your arms under each other, you tightened your lips and let your dead eyes focus only on your destination. You knew this plan was only heading to one place, but you didn't plan to stay there either. You wanted to hop on another plane out of the international airport, but the question was to where? 

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