22 2 0

She's now making it worse by not answering the door on time. Thereby making me nervous.

"Hi." She said happily.

"Hi. I....didn't....know when...you....opened up." I stuttered.

"Okaaaaaayyy. Come in because youre beginning to freak me out." She said, opening the door wide enough for me to fit in. If only she knew that she was the one freaking me out.

"Get your sister ready because we're going to the park." I said, not looking at her face.

"Hmmmm. That's strange. First you were stuttering and now,you talked without looking at my face. Did i turn to a monster overnight?" She asked. I didn't still look at her face.

"Just go get your sister ready." I said and this time I looked at her.

"Ok" she said, smiling revealing the dimple I never knew she had. Have I been blind for two months? How didn't I notice that?

At the park.

"So do you mind opening the bag?" She asked, referring to the bag that Mrs Nora packed. I don't know what she packed in it. I guess she must had packed the right things.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure." I said,opening the bag slowly.

"Fred,what's wrong? You've been acting strangely since you came to my house. Is anything the matter?" She asked, holding my hands. I'm the one meant to do the holding of hands,not her.

"Nothing's wrong." I said,assuring her.

"Ok,then. Open up the bag. I want to see what's inside." She said, rubbing her palms together. Oh boy!

Opening the bag,I saw different kinda of foods that I never knew existed st home. Anyway it's because I love some certain types of foods. I'm kinda picky. Strawberries,blueberries,a bar of chocolate,apple pie,a small bowl of ice cream,pancakes,chicken nuggets,chocolate cake,fruit juice,water and of course, pizza. Mrs Nora knows I love pizza. How was she able to pack all these things in this bag? She made it look like the bag is small,whereas,it's not.

"Erm,Fred are you expecting some friends?" She asked, not taking her  eyes off the bag.

"No. Why would you ask that?" I asked, confused as to why she asked that.

"Look at all these foods. There's no way I'm going to eat all of that,so is my sister. I don't want to start wearing size 14 any time soon. I love my size 10 body. Only if you're eating all of these by yourself." She said.

"We're going to eat them,maybe not all. I love seeing you eat. Do you think i care about you being size 14? I love girls that eat. So whether you like it or not,you're gonna taste out of all of them." I said,meaning everything I said.

"You know I'm not used you this extravagant type of life. You know what my parents do. I'll just take out of the cake and that would be all. I can't just learn how to start eating like this all of a sudden. Before I see this kind of food again,it's going to take a while." She said sadly.

Seeing her sad makes me mad. I didn't mean to do that. I thought it was going to be fun but it turned out not to be.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad. If you don't want to eat,it's fine by me. We could just talk about stuffs" I said,holding her in my arms. While I was talking,I saw her hands moving towards the fruit juice but it passed her mouth and she was aiming it at my face. Still trying to understand what she was trying to do, Splash!!💦💦

She splashed the juice on my body. 😱😱 Oh. Game on.😎😎. Carrying the  chocolate cake,she asked me "Fred,what are you doing with that?" Then I said, "Duh! It's for eating. I'm going to eat it but I'll eat if off your face." Then I rubbed it on her face. She looked like she fell into a truck of cakes. I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"You look.........hilarious. That's what you get for splashing juice on my shirt." I said, laughing.

"Oh really. It's game time" she said, sounding very serious like she was actually playing a game. Then she took the pizza,MY PIZZA. "Please Kira, leave the pizza out of this. It has done nothing to you. You can use something else but not my pizza." I said,pretending to cry.

"Awwn baby. Don't cry. I won't do anything to it. I also love pizza." She said, coming closer to me and smiling. 

"Are you............." She didn't let me finish my sentence before using MY PIZZA as body lotion on my face. She rubbed it everywhere on my face. She didn't leave any place empty. I didn't know what to do so I cried,for real this time.

"Are you crying? My baby boo is crying. There are still some pizza left in the bag." She said,smiling. Happy that she fell into my trap,I took the ice cream and poured it on her hair and it went down to her face. Ha!🤣🤣. That's what you get for taking MY PIZZA.


We kept food fighting until we were both exhausted. We looked like trash. At least,I didn't get my hair messed up like Kira did.

"It's been a while since I played like this. I'm always busy or home alone with my sister. Thanks for bringing me out here." She said,still panting.

"You're welcome. I've also not played like this in a while too. My sister's aren't home. Even if they were,they won't play with me. So I'm happy we did this. Once in a while, you need to behave like a baby." I said, licking all the things I rubbed on her face with my fingers.

"I love you Fred. Thank you for not making me feel unwanted. Thank you for not comparing our standards of living. Thank you for overlooking my flaws. Thank you for not getting angry with me even when you're meant to. I love you so much." She said, using her hand to put my hair back in shape.

I didn't know what to say. It's not like I didn't know. If i started talking,night would come and go. So I did the first and only thing that came to my mind.

I kissed her. I kissed her so passionately. She was just what I wanted. I loved her with all her flaws. I don't care about that. I love her for being her. Kissing her sent sparks round my body. I didn't want to stop. But I had to. It's so funny how her three-year old sister Natalie didn't wake up from her sleep even with all the noise we made. It's like she wasn't there at all.

"I love you too Kira." I said, after we stopped kissing to catch our breaths.


Love is sweet❤❤

Who wants to love me?😞😞

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