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A month has passed. But the month--that had skated by like a deer trying to walk across an icy surface—had also been the perfect timing where a large group of clones was completed in Team Mech’s base. What people would not expect is for hyped about clones to stand around and do nothing but chat. This is what happens when someone makes a bunch of clones related to Ivy that are intended to be warriors.

“Why are they doing nothing?” Silias asks, with a disapproved expression.

“They .  . .” Jerry starts, but then he sighs.  “They insist we get them a big blue telephone box.”

“What?” Silias repeats, his forehead became covered in wrinkles.

“A big blue telephone box.” Jerry said.

“Will they start showing off their weapons if we do?” Silias asks.

“They didn’t say.” Jerry said.

Team Mech gets the clones exactly what the clones wanted. Except the problem here is that about thirty-two Ivy Clones went in there at once screaming something about ‘I want to fly the machine!’.The Telephone box smashes in the hanger from the fight going on inside and then accidently proceeds to kill off most of the clones. Explosions went off in the hanger once the telephone box hit an explosive machine.

Apparently they didn’t know how to fly a big blue telephone box.

“What just happened?” Silias asks, watching from a protective glass mirror of the lower floor destroying most of the clones.

“They just killed themselves.” One of the men said.  “On accident.”

However, we see one of the clones had gotten into a small developed machine meant to be a prototype of a teleporter. We see this clone is small, childlike, and short. The Little Clone presses several buttons by accident when the big machine box knocks against it. The systems booted on showing an array of destinations. Instead of a hand we see a foot being used on the keyboard setting a random destination.

“Um sir.” The second man said. “The teleporter is being used.”

“I thought we scrapped the teleporter.” Silias said, as his eyebrows hunched together. 

“Not all of them.” We heard Catherine.

The camera turns to the left at the opened door.

“Catherine.” Silias said. “I should have guessed you didn’t follow the orders.”

“Follow dumb orders?” Catherine said, walking into the room. “Nah, I don’t think so.”

The colors you would normally associate to a space bridge is seen through the teleporter’s transparent door as though sending the small clone somewhere. The readings were going off the chart on the safe side of the Mech Base that hadn’t got flamed. A burning pillar from above falls down then snaps a cord connecting the teleporter from the wall.A bright white light is illuminated from the Teleporter’s door.

“I told you it would work.” Catherine said, as a few of the men put down their glasses at the awe inspiring sight.

Then the machine exploded.

“.  . .Catherine.”  Silias said.  “Give me a reason why not to report you for withholding failed projects.”

“Her eyes.” Catherine said.  “Her eyes.”

“I don’t—“ Silias starts.

“Don’t go Psych-o on me.” Catherine said. “You’ve seen her eyes. They got spider legs and very lethal to human interaction. Didn’t Jerry tell you why George is dead?”

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