Airachnid won't give up Part 3

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A/N Dedicated to Knock-Knock for being the 100th voter!

“For a blind cyber-organic; how do you picture me?” Airachnid asks.

“I imagine you as a spiderlady with red pairs of optics, spider like body—you know how daddy long leg’s walk--, deathly glare,” I go on. “And this awful sense in heel length. The heel length! Are you scared of my milk productive parts that make my young ‘feel’ instead of feed?”

“Stop mocking me!” Airachnid said, with a scoffle.

“Unless you tell me ‘feel’ was intentional to replace ‘feed’, then no.” I said.

“I didn’t say feel.” Airachnid said.

“Yes,” I said. “You did.”

“Liar.” Airachnid accuses me.

“Actually,” I raise an index finger up. “I’m pretty honest when it comes to words that don’t sound right.”

T-t-t-t-ap  went Airachnid’s legs down the echoeing endless hall. I heard her mutter ‘Cyber Organic doesn’t know when to shut up’ from afar. Hey, I do know when to shut up. She won’t even know that there’s a small Cyber-Organic following her in the next half an hour. That’s what I did. I climbed the walls, hiding among the dark and made these weird arse noises.

“Curreak kureaak oeeo kureea.” I made this sound that sounded like a frog trying to say ‘koreaaa’ or something.


“Who’s there?” Airachnid said.

“KUREAAK—cureaak kureea.” I continue. “Ekkuuurueueuueeuue.”

I definitely sound not me. What? I’m just good at making stuff up as the act goes on.

“Show yourself!” Airachnid shouts.

I felt something slimy near my hand. Oh, what the heck did my hand just touch? With fear on high power there was only one solution to do instead of blowing my cover. I just wanted to hear whatever Airachnid had to say without hearing me speak. I grab this slimy thing then threw it at Airachnid. I made sure to duck behind a large rocky surface.

“AHHH!” Airachnid screams, as she stumbled back down the hallway. “My face!”

I could hear the clatter of her feet knock against the walk making a slight tremor.

Oh man that reminds me of the movie where these gigantic dinosaur worm like creatures surround this small town and burrow under the ground which makes their instinct to kill organisms much more efficient. Basically they were like unpredictable meercats somehow scientifically engineered into a dinosaur like worm that can kill. I love Jurassic Park it’s so good such as the Lost World. I love that installment of Jurassic Park because the Tyrannosaurus Rex came after its baby. At least that’s one of the great aspects I remember from the movie.

I continued this for what seemed like forever.

Maybe half an hour.

“I want out!” Airachnid screams, trying to climb up.

I decided to at least stop it and listen to Airachnid fall when two magic words were spoken.

“Hai Blackarachnia!” I called out. “Nice to hear you are easy to annoy.”

I heard what many can guess a ‘fall’ sound.

“Ivvyy!” Airachnid scream, and then lands on the ground.

I look over the edge just to see darkness. Oh yeah I’m eyeless, go figure. Wish I could see the reaction on her faceplate. That’s one of the disadvantages to being blind around gigantic robots in a universe that should be fictional.

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