I bought these sunglasses just to meet ya! But . . .

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I somehow meet the Autobots, yay! How do I know this? Its bound to happen with Marcus Elbook on the loose; he has a phone in his pocket. I made sure by forcing him to take his dad’s phone like a skilled thief. I can brag all the way to the moon that I’m a bad role model just by teaching a non-related sibling how to steal a phone.

“How’s the alien doing?” I heard a woman’s voice.

“Don’t say Alien, Catherine!” I heard a man sharply correct her. “This is a living, breathing cybertronian organic. You must refer ‘the alien’ to as THE GIRL.”

“You don’t need to yell at me, Jerry.” Cathrine, that’s who this woman’s voice belongs to, critics him.

“You need to stop watching Aliens.” Jerry said.

“At least this one doesn’t come out of your chest.” Catherine said.

I don’t know what’s wrong with my eyes but this eerie black blanket of blinding is very scary, concerning, and um, well you begin to imagine the worst thing possible where you are at.I try forcing my eyes open but it felt like they did open when all I can see is nothing. Let’s say I’m scared about having tubes inside, let’s say they have taken a few pieces of me, let’s say my arms might be wrapped because these people may have drawn blood.

“She’s awake.” Jerry said.

“.  .  .JERRY, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER EYES?” Catherine shrieks, probably taking a step back.

“. .  . nothing.” Jerry said.

“The hell you did,” Catherine is mad, madder than I have ever overheard a woman in an argument with a man. “Get them out of the observation lab—I’m not going because you know how cybertronian parts disgust me—and don’t come back until you have it.”

“What about you?” Jerry asks.

“Someone has to treat an alien with dignity and respect.” Catherine said. I can give her thumbs up for that belief.  “Those un-damaged sunglasses will be over her sockless eyes.”

Oh, so.  .  . I have no eyes? What the slag is going on here? Is team Mech THAT obsessed with Cybertronians?

“There, that’s better.” Catherine said, probably after she put my sunglasses over my sockless eyes. “Eh .  .  .   I have to go; it’s not you. It’s your sockless eyes.”

I’m assuming she probably means optics. Because: eyes equals optics in the world of Transformers.

Her high heels—how can you not recognize the sound of heels?—clatter against the floor walking away.

“I wonder why you have a Decepticon symbol.” Jerry said, walking closer around me. “George, get those eyes.”

“Yes sir.” That’s probably George. “Will do.”

I heard George walk away.

“I’ll turn your voice box on, and, you better explain how you got that brand.” Jerry said.


I heard a click.

“In your dreams!” I yell at him, hearing some people gasp and tools were sent flying while clicking against some other wooden surface. “I will never tell this to a person who wants to make their own slagging Transformer! You have no idea who ya got, do ya?”

“An opportunity.” Jerry said.

“No.” I said, with a growl. “You have a liability here that is a threat to everyone in this room. If a certain Bounty Hunter comes this way and demands to have me; but you refuse, prepare for your annihilation. He’s gone through Megatron and probably others searching for me.”

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