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"Minho hyung!" I screeched, sprinting after the older boy who was laughing. He had the mind of a fox, always pulling out tricks to embarrass me.

What had he done this time? He slept over my house when I was sick and found out I talk in my sleep, so he exposed it to my and his friends. So now I was chasing him down the halls during lunch period to hit him on the head.

It was then and there, I repeated the same action I did when I was racing Felix, except with a different object. I stepped on my shoelace and flew forward onto my face.

I heard Minho's shoes slid harshly against the ground with a SKRT. "Jisung!" He ran back to me as I pulled myself up, holding my now bleeding nose.

"How did you do that?" He asked as he knelt in front of me. "Oh my god, you're bleeding!"

"Thanks for telling me, captain obvious." I mocked, my voice muffled as I held my nose.

Minho pulled me up, pulling me back to the cafeteria. He pulled me to the table and demanded that Chan gave him a napkin. The boy handed him a napkin and forced my head to look down as he held my nose with the napkin.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" He scolded.

"Love you, too. . ." I trailed off. I usually said that to my friends so saying that was a little, a little out of line on my part.

"Yeah, Yeah. If your nose is broken-"

"It's not broken." I deadpanned. "If it was broken I would be crying."

"What happened?" Seungmin asked, still playing with his food.

"While he was chasing me he fell on his face." Minho said.

Felix bursted laughing immediately. "Again?!"

"B**ch I-" I tried to lifted my head but Minho forced it back down.

"You've done this before?"

"I was texting you when it happened, dolt." I retorted. "The day you pulled me into the janitors closet?"

"Oh yeah." Minho nodded. "Now I remember."

"He pulled you into a janitors closet?" Chan asked, looking back at us with his arm on the back of his chair.

"I was skipping class and he was right there. I pulled him in so he wouldn't tell anyone." Minho responded. At least that part was completely true.

"Pfft." Seungmin stifled a laugh. "Lee Minho, skipping class, eh?"

"I hate history, okay?" Minho defended. "I hate being in that class. Too many notes."

"I bet he'd rather take notes on how cute Jisung is." Felix said.

I lifted my head, blushing. I blushed even harder when I saw Minho's red cheeks.

"I-it does sound better." The way he said it sounded too genuine. Like he actually would prefer that.

"You're gonna make my nose bleed more." I slipped with my words and immediately covered my mouth for it.

Please, please! Do not let Minho suspect anything!

Everyone laughed as Minho shoved my head back down. "I will if you keep looking up."

Fake Mister Boyfriend - First DraftWhere stories live. Discover now