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Stare. That's all I was doing right now and did I care? Not a single bit. I lost my dignity when I came out to the whole school. Besides, the guy I was staring at had the prettiest smile and the softest eyes. He always wore his sports jacket with the colors of our school, red and blue. His hair looked soft and plump on top of his head and bounced slightly every time he moved his head. His hands always had silver rings on them. They complimented his rough skin and clean nails. I liked to imagine those hands tangled in my hair or my own hands. Walking side by side, his eyes watching me and only me. They didn't dare look away at anyone else. And then he says--

"You have drool on your chin, Jisung."

I sat up quickly, wiping my face with the back of my hands. I gave a pouty glare to Seungmin. Biggest bookworm I know, biggest party pooper I know, and biggest all time nerd I know. He really knew how to ruin someone's fun. He had layered hair that fell with just a slight wave around his head. His eyes were sharp and his eyebrows sat on above them at just the right angle to make him look angry all the time if he wasn't smiling. Wearing blue plaid clothing made him look like the nerdy type, and he kind of was. Just not the school-and-only-school type.

"Stared any harder and you would've lost your sight." Seungmin teased as he took a stab into his gross school lunch with just the slightest bit of remorse.

"Awe, Seungmin." Felix patted him on the back. "He has a crush and he's going to stare. Let it go."

Felix, another very good friend of mine. No, my best friend. Felix moved here from Australia about two years ago and we've glued at the hips ever since. He often dyed his hair a bunch of colors and this month was the perfect color of blond with just his black roots peeping out. His most prominent feature on his face was his freckles. He tried covering them up when we first met, but I was able to convince him to let them show. Felix was one of the biggest geeks I knew. His entire life surrounded around the pixelated, moving screens. I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to pursue that as some type of career.

"Just look at him!" I exclaimed, gesturing to dirty blonde boy who sat a few tables away. "He just radiates with boyfriend energy and it isn't fair." I grunted, letting my hands smack down onto the table with a pout.

It was true. Lee Minho, captain of the soccer team and secretary of the school's student council, was a Junior that had everyone's eyes glued to him. Well, mostly girls but that was beside the point. He was beyond popular and really knew how to make someone fall to their knees in seconds. He didn't have to do anything. He just had to speak to them. His voice was that soothing.

Yet, there was no way I could ever approach him.

It is as simple as lime green pie, he liked girls, not guys. Why would he like me? Han Jisung, a gay boy who always has his eyes set on things he can't have. Anyone who looks at me nowadays just sees that. The freak of the school. The outcast. The F-word I don't like saying.

"Tell me." Seungmin started, leaning so he could get a better look at Minho. His eyebrows raised and his lips tightened as he looked. It wasn't in a he's-not-good-looking way but in a I-wouldn't-date-that way. "How does that, radiate with Boyfriend energy?"

"Easy." I cleared my throat for special effect. "Look at his hoodie. I would love to wear that, it looks comfy." And it would smell like him. "His lap looks nice to sit in-" I started.

"Stop right there." Felix said. "Never say that again, Jisung."

"But it's true." I whined. I know it sounded dirty but wouldn't you want to sit in your crushes lap and be pampered with kisses and compliments? Okay, maybe it was dirty, too, but that wasn't the point I was trying to make.

"And dirty." Seungmin spat before shoving a dumpling into his mouth.

"Well I don't mean it in that way!" I whined, titling my head childishly at Seungmin. "I just want him to love me like a boyfriend would." Perhaps it was too much to ask from a boy like him. He could have any girl in the school, any pick at all.

"And Seungmin would have that if he stopped rejecting poor Hwang." Felix snapped at the younger boy, poking him in the cheek as if to make a point.

"I don't like him, simple as that. He's too. . . Masculine. I'd rather have someone like Jeongin. Young and innocent, and a pinch of femininity." Seungmin shook his head as he picked up another dumpling. Though, let's be honest here, Hyunjin isn't that much different from Jeongin in the way he's describing it.

This whole thing wasn't out in the open yet. Seungmin was uncomfortable with the idea after seeing how I was treated when I came out.

"Then ask him out." I said, raising an eyebrow and gesturing with my chop sticks.

Seungmin shook his head with a slow blink. "Maybe you should try it with Minho as well, Ji."

"You're insane." I leaned back, crossing my arms. He was mocking me, but I felt as if I had more of a reason. "Minho is obviously straight and I would only become the laughing stalk of the entire school if I did that. Jeongin is different, because he actually might be not so straight." Jeongin said some thing sometimes that a straight person wouldn't say.

The bell rang as Seungmin shoved his last dumpling into his mouth. His ugly finger came up at me after standing to leave, a dumpling still shoved into one of his cheeks.

"B**ch." I flicked my lips as I said it, to exaggerate.

I stood up, Felix following. We both had gym next. I was so not ready to get all sweaty and tired. Being yelled at the ripped gym teacher wasn't much fun either. He kind of freaked me out.

"You guys need to try and get along better." Felix shook his head as he placed his bag on his shoulder. He didn't necessarily look upset by it, as he never did.

"We do along. This is how we get along." I smiled and Felix chuckled.

"Yes, you two get along very nicely for a pair of friends." Felix said sarcastically, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

I just shrugged my shoulders. I couldn't explain my relationship with Seungmin to Felix. We didn't hate each other, but there was that annoyed tension between us. I still love him and would definitely trade him for a piece of gum.

"Whatever--oh my god." I started, but shock shot over my body as we turned the hallway. My hand flew over my mouth and Felix's jaw dropped open.

A girl, more specifically, Momo, the school's cheer captain, had approached Minho and leaned against the lockers with one hand twirling her hair. Her shoulders moved as she spoke, clearly flirting. Why was this a surprise? Momo was usually very disgusted with boys. She always turned them down. Whether it be with a look of disgust or flapping her hands like she had just touched a toad. To see something like this happen in the hallways was surely news.

I pulled Felix over against the locker, flinging open an empty one to make it look like we were supposed to be there.

"Oh come on, Minho." She took a step forward, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's just going to get some tea." I cringed, really hard. I never understood girl's way of flirting. I couldn't describe why I didn't like it, I just didn't.

"Momo, I don't see you like that. Stop asking me." Minho grabbed her hand and flung it off of him. Minho walked away before Momo could react, but she sure looked pissed.

"Did you see that?" I asked Felix, who was laughing quite hard.

"Momo just got rejected, hardcore. You have to tell Seungmin in Biology." Felix said.

Biology was my last period with Seungmin. "Yeah, I will."

Fake Mister Boyfriend - First DraftWhere stories live. Discover now