Birds Of A Feather

Start from the beginning

Emerald: T-there's easily five thousand lien each!

Me: Thus the reason we should really start going!

The girls nod to one another before following me towards the next town. As we are nearing the town gate we see a angry group of citizens waiting with angry faces... Well this is gonna be fun


Me: HOLY CRAP, who an old lady could hit that hard!

I say while rubbing the back of my head, I look at the girls to see them all out of breath from running for so long

Roma: Yeah at least Emerald had her semblance to get us out of there!

Me: Yeah thank you Em! You really saved our asses!

She blushes at the nickname and looks away

Em: I-It was nothing really!

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I look to see Neo pointing over to the woods

Me: What's wrong? Grimm or bandits?

She shook her head and grabs my hand dragging me to the forest

Me: 'How the hell is someone that small this strong'?

Neo pushes me forward and I finally see what she was trying to show me. A girl on the ground with beaten and bloody legs, dragging herself away from a man with a club in his hand. He walks up to her and starts to take off his belt. I see this and

Me: Oh fuck that!

I run towards the crying girl and grab the man by the back of his head

Man: Who the fuck do you think you are ya little shit!?

Me: I aint your dick so don't call me little!

I put him in a chokehold and look over to see that Neo went back to grab Emerald and Roma, looks like I'm all alone for a minute

Me: So tell me what did she do to deserve her legs being busted?

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes

?: H-he said that it was my punishment for not... doing what he wanted...

Me: W-what did he want?

?: M-me....

She bursts into tears as Emerald and Roma burst through the brush

Em: Hawke! Are you ok?

Me: I'm fine help her!

She nods and goes to help the girl

Me: Hey Roma want to go grab some rope or something out of that shed!?

She goes to grab something to tie up the recently knocked out man, I walk over to Neo and give her a pat on the head

Me: Thanks Neo, I'm glad you showed me this!

She smiles and goes to help Roma tie up the man, I walk over to Emerald and the girl

Em: Hey it's going to be all right, we'll take you with us to the next town ok?

?: T-thank y-you!

She hugs Emerald just like Emerald hugged me a few hours ago

Me: So want to tell us your name? Or are we going to have to name you?

?: M-my name is Mercury Black, and that... is my dad.

She points to the knocked out and now tied up man

Me: Huh small world...

Mercury: Why do you say that?

At this point Roma and Neo walked up to us

Me: Well this may surprise you but I didn't grow up on the street. Until recently I lived with the sacks of shit I call family! My own aunt, she...

The girls seemed to get the picture as they all gasp except Neo

Me: Ah either way he won't hurt you again!

Mercury: Thank you. Can... can I stick with you guys?

Me: Well I guess that's all right, any of you girls got a problem with that?

Roma: No!

Em: Nope!

Neo: Shakes her head in a no fashion

Me: Well it's settled welcome to the family Mercy!

Mercury: Mercy?

Me: I figured a name change was in order, and seeing as how this is the first mercy you've ever been shown...

Mercy: I love it!

Me: Well let's get you to a doctor then let's go shopping!

I sweep Mercy into my arms causing the girl to squeak and then nuzzle into my chest


Well the doctor fixed one of her legs but the other had to be amputated, Mercy was shocked and a little saddened at first before I told her I would get her a prosthetic which caused her to get kinda excited

Mercy: Oh it should be able to move like my old leg but I want to be able to still wear cute shoes!

Me: Ok you got anything like that doc?

Doctor: I have something like that but it's rather expensive

Mercy looked down and started to cry, so I pulled the doctor close and whispered in her ear

Me: Alright you listen and listen good, this girl right here is family and I will go through hell for my family. You will give her the prosthetic that she wants and you will be paid but if you mess up and hurt her or give her the wrong prosthetic... I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be able to taste the leather on my boot, do I make myself clear?

The Doctor quickly nods her head and is shaking in fear

Doctor: Y-yes, I understand you perfectly! You are one scary ass kid!

Me: And don't you think about calling the police. They won't be able to help you and then you would have their blood on your hands!

She pails and nods, I walk back over to Mercy and tell her the good news

Me: Hey Mercy, the docs gonna give us a discount on the leg! You'll be up and walking first thing tomorrow!

Mercy: Really!? Can we go shopping tomorrow?

Me: Sure I'll get a hotel for the night and me and the others will pick you up tomorrow ok?

Mercy: Ok, thank you Hawke!

Me: You're welcome Mercy, after all what's family for!?

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