Chapter Eleven

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After two days of driving I had finally pulled into the hospital parking lot. My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour and my hands were sweaty as I opened the rental car door. Walking quickly across the lot and to the hospital door, I was unsure of what to expect. I'd called Wren's girlfriend Charlie on the way here and she'd promised to wait for me in the hospital lobby. She sounded a wreck and I didn't blame her. Glancing around  she was nowhere to be seen. Beginning to pace around the lobby the other people were giving me weird looks but I didn't care.

"Can I help you?" Asked a receptionist sitting behind a desk.

"No." I snapped at her.

I didn't mean to be rude but this waiting was putting me on edge. I just wanted to see my brother.

"Oh Tori." Charlie exclaimed, walking quickly towards me from a bank of elevators and engulfing me in a tight hug.

Pulling my brothers girlfriend to my chest, I felt the weight in my chest lighten a little. Charlie seemed to be coping okay and if she was fine that meant Wren had to be fine too, right?

Drawing away from her I looked into her eyes, "How is he?"

"Come on," She said taking my hand and leading me over to the bank of elevators, "You can see for yourself."

Following her into one of the elevators we rode it up to the third floor in silence. A gentle ping rang out as the elevator reached the third floor, the Intensive Care Unit.

"He's in ICU?" I asked suddenly alarmed again, "No one told me that!"

Charlie grasped my hand and squeezed it reassuringly though her silence made me anxious. Pulling me from the elevator she all but dragged me through a maze of hallways. It was a miracle she knew where to go, she was bad with directions at the best of times. We finally reached the ICU ward and I was about to push my way through the door but Charlie's firm grasp pulled me back.

"Just brace yourself okay." She said firmly, a single tear running down her cheek, "He's in room 4, the second bed on the right."

I nodded taking a deep breath and pushed my way through the door, leaving Charlie to trail behind me. The ward had the tell-tale smell of the hospital only amplified. The smell only added to the anxious churning of my stomach. Nurses barely glanced up from what they were doing as I walked down the ward. Finally reaching room 4 after what felt like an eternity of walking I braced myself. I had no idea what I was about to walk into. I had been trying to put together a mental image of what to expect but standing in front of the door I pushed those to the back of my mind. Closing my eyes and pushing through the door I suddenly needed to get to Wren's bed as quick as possible. Running to the second bed on the right I froze. Wren lay prone in his bed with what seemed like a hundred tubes threaded in and out of his body. His face was patched with gauze and covered in an oxygen mask, helping him breathe. Trailing my eyes down his body, his right side seemed fine but his left arm was wrapped in a cast and held in a sling. Scanning down his torso there were red blood-spots on the blanket over his stomach and I wondered what the damage under the blanket was, was it external or internal? His legs were covered by the blanket and but they looked fine. 

"Are you alright?" Charlie's quiet voice came from behind me suddenly.

I nodded, tears silently falling from my eyes. It hurt to see my brother like this but there was a slight weight off my chest knowing that I was with him now. Charlie's hand came to rest in mine. We held each other tightly as we stared down at the mangled and broken boy in the bed. We were each others life lines, the only things holding each other to the shore. On my way here all I'd wanted to know was the details of what had happened but now standing here it didn't matter, it had happened and now we had to deal with the aftermath.

"He's in a coma at the moment. Stable but barely." Murmured Charlie though her voice caught at the end.

"Will he survive?" I asked the all important question.

"The doctors have said there is a lot of 'internal and external damage'," She said, making air quotes with her free hand, "But people have survived with worse odds have survived so Wren can too."

I nodded, she was so hopeful and it made me feel better. Glancing at her out of the corner of my eye I wondered how she was. Dark circles lined her eyes, she must have barely slept. Her skin was pale and blotchy and her hair and clothes needed a wash. All in all she needed a good clean up.

"Charlie why don't you go home?" I said suddenly.

She tilted her head, "What?"
I shrugged, "Honestly you look a wreck and I'm here now. You should go home for a few hours. Take a shower, a nap? Then come back."

She seemed outraged at first then the idea seemed to settle in her head and grow, soon she was nodding, "Yeah okay. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?"

I shook my head, "I've got all I need in my car."

She nodded, hugging me again and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving me alone in the hospital room. I thought I'd better call Tony before I did anything. Taking a seat in the hard plastic chair that was pulled up by the bed I dialled Tony's number.

He picked up on the third ring, "Hello?"

"Tony?" I asked quietly.

"Oh hi Tori." He said bluntly.


There was a few moments of awkward silence before he replied, "What do you want?"

I was taken aback by his rudeness, "Just to let you know I got to the hospital okay. Not that you seem to care though."

He grunted on the other end of the line and I scoffed, appalled by his blatant lack of care.

"Fine. I'll leave you in peace next time." With that I hung up, slamming my phone onto the small side table.

I was fuming again, how could he be so rude, so inconsiderate. Taking a deep breath I didn't want to radiate my anger onto Wren. I'd heard stories of people in coma's being able to hear the world and feel energy and stuff so I made an effort to calm myself before addressing my brother. I'd deal with Tony later.

Taking his icy hand in mine I smiled lightly, "Wren, Wren, Wren. What a mess you've gotten yourself into this time." 

Hello! So here, my lovely people is an update! Enjoy it!

And it would be amazing if you could do me a favor and read Here's To Teenage's my new fanfic and yeah i'm pretty happy with it so go check it out!

Thank you for all the comments and love...i love you all so much and you make me a very happy girl 

Much love, Ashlyn


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