Chapter One

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"Tony get up", I called to the blanket covered lump in the middle of my bed that was my boyfriend.

This was it. Today was the day that we were leaving for tour, and to be honest I couldn't be more nervous. Double and triple checking the array of camera lenses laid out in front of me it seemed as though I had everything.

"Tone." I called again, zipping up the padded bag and wheeling it over to the bedroom door.

Checking my watch I sighed. It was 5.30am and he had to get up, the bus would be here in forty five minutes and I'd been around Tony long enough to know that it took him at least twenty minutes to wake up fully. It was a small miracle that I was awake this early in itself. Though I guess to wake up you had to have slept, which had hardly happened. Walking back to the bed I looked down at him. His dark hair was splayed on the pillow as he lay asleep on his stomach and he looked so peaceful in sleep that it almost hurt to wake him. But I had to. Crawling across the bed I curled up next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Tony", I cooed quietly to him, "Babe. Wakey wakey."

He groaned quietly in response. Brushing the hair from his face I kissed his cheek. Another quiet groan. I smiled and kissed his cheek again.

"Tori?" He asked groggily.


Turning his face up he kissed me gently. Smiling against my lips he somehow managed to wriggle an arm free from the mess of blankets and wrap it around my waist, pinning me against his side.  Breaking the kiss he looked up at me with lidded eyes. He looked tired and I didn't blame him, it was early after all.

"What time is it?" He mumbled, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"Early. Really early but the guys are going to be here in like forty minutes so you gotta get up", I said with a quiet laugh.

He groaned and his breath tickled my neck.

"Come on Turtle", I murmured into his ear.

I felt him start to kiss my neck and pulled away, scooting the to the edge of the bed.

"Aw. Come on Tor", He whined, "We've got forty minutes. I only need twenty to-"

I cut him off, with a small smile, "No. We've got to get showered and dressed and I know you still haven't finished packing."

Feeling a gentle hand run down my side I closed my eyes. Damn, this boy knew me way to well.

"We're gonna be on a tour bus for the next two months and barely have a moment alone. Twenty minutes won't hurt anyone", Tony's voice was a seductive whisper in my ear as he continued to caress my waist.

"Baby, no", I said very quietly, turning to face him.

Kissing him gently, I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. My stomach was churning in anxious waves and I was not in the mood for whatever he was suggesting.

"You're sure you want me to come?" I asked for what felt like the millionth time.

He let out a mock exasperated sigh, "Yes Tori. I one hundred per cent want you to come. So do the guys, they love you. Not as much as I do but still. I know you're worried about something happening between us - which I grantee it won't - but even if it did, you're coming with us as a photographer, not my girlfriend. That's just an added bonus for me. You're good at what you do, babe. You know that, I know that and the guys know that. You are perfect for the job."

He finished and I smiled at him. He knew exactly what to say to make me feel better.

"Well okay", I replied finally, pecking his cheek I stood up, "I'm gonna take a shower."

"Can I come?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I love you but no. We're on a schedule", I said getting up and walking to the bathroom wiggling my hips seductively.

I heard a low chuckle and a muffled thud as he fell back onto the bed. Taking a quick shower I pulled on a pair of galaxy leggings and a grey and black Key Street crew neck. Walking back into the bedroom I saw Tony standing next to the bed looking down at his open suitcase.

"Have you still not finished packing?" I asked with a laugh as I towel dried my hair.

He looked up at me and grinned, "Just doing a last check."

"Sure, sure", I replied, slinging the towel around my shoulders and  walking to stand next to him.

He turned to me and ran a hand through my wet hair. I shook my head and he flinched as water droplets splattered everywhere. Laughing he pulled me to his chest in a hug.

"Is that my sweater?" He asked quietly.

I smirked, "Maybe."

"It looks way better on you", He said, kissing me on the cheek.

"I beg to differ", I replied solemnly. 

He rolled his eyes and rested his chin on my head, "Your hair smells really good too."

"Thanks babe. I try", I said with a laugh pulling away from him and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'll take this", he said pulling the towel from around my shoulders and walking to the bathroom, "Last chance to get up on this Tor?"

I smiled and shook my head, "I wish we had the time."

"You're missing out", he shook his head, "Oh and the guys are downstairs."

"Oh", I said watching him disappear into the bathroom.

Walking from my bedroom and downstairs I looked around for the guys. Suddenly Jaime appeared and thrust a takeaway coffee cup at me.

"Here, coffee", he said, pushing the cup into my hands.

Taking the cup I smiled, "Thanks."

Following Jaime into the living room where Mike, Vic and a couple of guys I'd never met were sitting around, drinking coffee. Sitting down on the arm of the couch I began to sip the strong coffee.

"Good morning", Vic greeted me groggily.

"Hey. Tired?" I asked quietly.

He nodded with a yawn, "Oh before I forget. Tori meet Casey our drum tech and Matt our guitar tech."

He pointed to each guy in turn, and they waved at me saying quiet hellos. It was early and I could understand everyone being quiet. Suddenly a pair of warm hands were rested on my shoulders. Turning around I saw Tony standing behind me.

"Tony!" Jaime exclaimed, "Finally. Now let's go."

Everyone looked up at Tony who flashed a small smile.

"Who gave him coffee?" Tony asked quietly looking over at Jaime.

Jaime grinned cheekily before pointing to Casey who held his hands up in surrender, "I forgot ok?"

A quiet, tired laugh rang out around the room.

"Well we're all here, what are we waiting for?" Jaime cried jumping up and looking around at us all, "Let's go!"

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