Chapter Six

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"Tori?" Tony's voice drifted through my dream, "Babe. Wake up."

Wading through the darkness I needed to find him, to see if he was okay.

"C'mon Tor. Wake up." His voice cooed through the darkness.

Grasping for his voice my eyes snapped open. I was hunched over in my chair next to Tony's bed, my head resting on the mattress. My arms were stretched out and Tony's hand was clasped between them. Suddenly I felt my hair being pushed back from my forehead and jumped. Sitting up I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes and a smile tug at my lips. Throwing myself onto a stunned looking Tony I wrapped my arms around his neck. He was sitting up in his hospital bed, a tube was coming from his arm and I assumed it was a drip. Burying my face into the crook of his neck I hugged him even tighter if it was possible. I felt his arms around my waist, gripping me just as tightly. Leaning forward I pressed my lips against his. The kiss was hungry. Knotting my fingers into his hair he pulled me against his chest. Moving my lips against his I felt him push his tongue into my mouth, tangling it with mine. Pulling away for breath after what felt like forever I took a good look at my boyfriend. He looked pale, which I didn't notice last night. He had dark circles under his eyes but other than that he looked fine.

"How're you feeling?" I asked quietly, breaking the silence.

He nodded, playing with a strand of hair that had fallen from my bun, "Alright. Better than last night anyway."

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

He shook his head, "Not much. The last thing I remember is getting dizzy and going outside for some air."

I rested my forehead against his shoulder, "You were vomiting and then you passed out and it was really scary."

"I'm sorry." He murmured against my cheek.

Pulling away I stared at him shocked, his apology put a weight in my stomach, "Don't you dare apologize for that. Okay? It's not your fault."

He laughed quietly, "Fine. I take back my apology."

"Good." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

Suddenly he blanched and leaned forward, reaching for the basin next to his bed he emptied the contents of his stomach. Flinching away I jumped off of the bed and jogged to the door, calling out for the nurse. A frazzled looking nurse pushed past me into the room. Following her over to the bed, she took the basin from Tony.

"This is perfectly normal." She said, "You'll probably experience vomiting for up to six hours."

Tony nodded and I pushed his hair from his damp face. He looked up at me as the nurse left the room.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He murmured.

I laughed, "And don’t you forget it."

My laugh was cut short as the door was pushed open again.

"Tony Perry you are one lucky boy." Jaime said as he strode into the room followed by Vic, Mike, Casey and Matt.

"I would hardly call getting drugged lucky." Tony replied with a small smile.

Vic grinned, standing at the end of the bed and glancing down at the clipboard hanging there, "Well yeah that's pretty unlucky but we don’t have to cancel any shows and that’s pretty lucky."

Tony nodded, "Yeah I guess. But when do I get out of here?"

"That's what we're here for, we've come to get you out."

Tony's face lit up at the idea of leaving. It was adorable. He pushed himself out of the hospital bed, a little to quickly it seemed because he swayed for a moment and I grabbed his arm to steady him.

"I'm okay," He reassured me after a moment, regaining his balance, "Really I'm fine."

I nodded, taking my hand off his arm.

"Oh here. We brought some clothes for you to get changed. Cause I mean damn that hospital robe is fly but.." Matt trailed off, handing Tony a pile of clothes.

I laughed as Tony disappeared into the small bathroom attached to his room. He quickly got changed and emerged from the bathroom. Back in a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top he finally looked like normal Tony again. Filing from the room after Mike, we quickly checked Tony out and left the hospital. Walking around the corner, the bus was parked in an empty parking lot a few blocks behind the hospital. Loading onto the bus I heard Tony sigh behind me.

"It feels good to be back." Tony said with a smile.

I laughed, stretching out my sore back and shoulders.

"Well you'll get sick of it soon, trust me, we've got a twelve hour drive ahead of us." Matt said with a lazy smile, falling back onto a couch.

"Well I'm gonna watch a movie," Vic announced walking into the back lounge, his voice echoing back down the bus, "Anyone care to join me?"

A murmur of approval ran around the bus and everyone followed Vic into the back lounge.

"What are we watching Victor?" Jaime called to Vic.

Vic's reply was muffled and I couldn't hear it. Walking into the bunks I yawned.

"Tired?" Tony asked, walking up behind me and resting his hands on my shoulders.

I nodded as he began to massage my shoulders.

"Thanks for staying with me last night." Tony said, "It really means a lot. I love you so much babe, you don't even know."

Turning around to face him his hands fell from my shoulders, leaning up I kissed him gently, "You would've done the same for me."

He nodded, resting his forehead against mine. He looked tired. And it put a weight in my stomach.

"You gonna watch the movie?" I asked him and he nodded.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Yeah I think so. I'm gonna get changed but I'll be right In okay?" I said, glancing down at my creased skirt and shirt.

Tony smiled, leaning down to kiss me again I tangled my fingers in his hair. I felt his big hands splayed on my lower back, pressing me against him. Pulling away for breath I brushed Tony's hair back from his face. He smiled before letting me go and walking into the back lounge. Opening up my bag I pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Walking into the bathroom I closed and locked the door behind me. I needed a moment alone though I would never admit that to Tony. Stripping out of my skirt, shirt and tights I pulled on the sweat pants and t-shirt. Pulling my golden hair from it's bun I ran a brush through it and rinsed my face. I felt refreshed but something still weighed in my stomach, leaving a knot in my throat. It had been a long night, a long stressful night. Rubbing at my eyes I supressed a wayward sob that rose in my throat. The decline from the craziness of the night before was steep, fast and seemed to be taking its toll on me. Taking a few deep breaths I reasoned with myself. Tony is okay. He is safe and with his friends. So why did I feel so heavy? Taking a final breath I gathered up my things and walked back into the bunks. Tossing my stuff into my bunk I walking into the back lounge where the guys were watching a movie. Sitting down next to Tony I couldn't stop a yawn escaping my lips.

"Here." Said Tony, wrapping his arm around my shoulders I rested my head on his chest. 

His heartbeat was steady and reassuring under my ear and I smiled. Tony was okay, and that was all that mattered. Feeling my eyelids get heavy I gave in to the pressure and let sleep take me.

Sorry it took so long, but it's here now :)

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