Chapter Three

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Running the length of the barrier as Vic yelled the words to King For A Day, I quickly climbed one of the amps and snapped a few shots of the crowd. Hearing the final bars of the song I turned to see the boys walking offstage. Climbing off the amp I joined the boys side stage.

"Smile," I called from behind them.

All four of them turned around and flashed me tired smiles. Snapping a picture they continued to walk offstage.

"You guys played great tonight," I said to Tony falling into step beside him.

He smiled at me and wrapped a sweaty arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks Tor." He replied, pulling me into his body.

"You reek," I murmured attempting to pull away from him.

He laughed and wrapped both of his arms around me in a sweaty hug.

"Ugh. No," I whined turning my face away from him, "You’re gross."

Laughing again he planted a kiss on my forehead before stepping away from me. Following the rest of the guys backstage and into a green room I watched as they pulled bottles of water from a bar fridge and collapsed onto the couches. It was quiet in the green room and I felt out of place. As though I was witnessing some sacred post-show ritual that was for band members only.

"Great show tonight boys! Kicking off the tour with a bang!" Matt's voice broke the silence as him and Casey pushed their way into the quiet room.

"Thanks man," Mike replied getting up and walking over to the bar fridge, "Drinks anyone?"

There was a chorus of approvals and Mike began handing out beers.

"Hey Tori," Vic called and I looked over at him, "Get any good shots?"

Walking across the room I sat down on the couch next to him and held out my camera, "Decide for yourself."

Taking the camera he began to flick through the pictures, nodding occasionally. I was happy with how the pictures had turned out. Sure, some needed to be deleted but others looked great.

"This one is awesome." Murmured Vic, pointing down at the small screen.

I smiled at Vic as a can of PBR beer was tossed across the room to me. Catching it I cracked it open and took a sip, scrunching my nose up at the taste. I didn't normally drink beer so the taste was something new for me. Cradling the can in my hands I sipped it slowly. Looking around the room my eyes were drawn to Tony as they normally were. He was sitting on the couch across from the one I was sitting on. He was chuckling at something. He was so attractive when he smiled. It lit up his whole face. Slowly he tilted his head and I wondered who he was talking to and what they were talking about. His eyebrows scrunched together and I realised he was looking at me. He was laughing at me.

"What?" I asked, raising my voice to be heard over the other voices in the room.

He motioned for me to sit next to him, so leaving my camera with Vic I walked over to him and sat down.

"What were you laughing at?" I asked again, quieter this time.

"You. I think you are the only person in the world that can make drinking beer look like the cutest thing ever." He said and I laughed, blushing.

Grabbing his hand I began tracing the tattoos on his forearm.

"What can I say. I'm fabulous." I shrugged jokingly.

He laughed and rested his head on my shoulder. His dark eyes closed and his breath tickled my shoulder. Wrapping my arm around his waist I smiled.

"You need a shower Turtle." I murmured to him.

I felt rather than heard him chuckle, "Wanna go out tonight? There's a club around the corner."

"Sure, club sounds good."

"Club? Who's going to a club?" Jaime asked, hearing us from across the room.

"We are. You wanna come Hime Time?" Tony asked standing up and stretching.

"Uh yes." He said.

Grabbing my hand Tony led me to the doorway.

"We're gonna go have a shower. Be ready in an hour." He called back into the green room before pulling me down the hallway.

Leading me through a maze of corridors I had no hope of finding my way back through. Emerging into a bathroom I looked at Tony, he was looking around seemingly proud of his sense of direction. The bathroom was huge with everyone's suitcases were lined up in the corner.

"Been here before?" I asked.


I laughed quietly at him and he turned, a mischievous glint in his dark eyes.

"Tony what're you-" I was cut off by Tony's lips crashing into my own.

Making a small sound in the back of my throat in shock I felt him smile against my lips. Stumbling back a few steps my back was pressed against the wall. Slipping my hands under his shirt I ran my nails up and down his back, causing him to moan quietly against my mouth. That was the most satisfying sound, I had found. Tony's quiet moans, the ones that came from the back of his throat. The ones he tried so hard to contain but just couldn't. Grabbing at the hem of his shirt he pulled away for a moment so I could pull the shirt over his head and toss it on the floor. His lips moved to my neck and I moaned quietly, the boy knew all my soft spots. Looking down at his intricately tattooed chest I ran my hands over his shoulders and down is body. Taking my hands he laced his fingers with mine and recaptured my lips.

"…" I murmured fragments of a sentence between kisses.

"Mmmm hmmm," He hummed against my lips, "Whatever you say."

"Turtle," I whined, wriggling from his arms and pushing him against the wall.

His eyes widened as they always did when I asserted some form of dominance. Pulling away from him, he pouted.

"Babe." Tony whined, burying his head in my neck.

"Hey," I reasoned flashing a mischievous smile, "Showers remember."

His eyes darkened with lust as he took one of my hands and towed me towards a shower cubical. 

Okay so first off, i know this has taken ages to write and i apologise for that. I have no reasonable excuse. Second, I am thinking of writing another fanfic. I have some ideas but dont know who to write about. So any comments with requests/ideas would be the greatest! If i get more than one (shocker) i may write some of them into oneshots, so yep! Anyways thanks for reading and thanks for the support! 



All My Heart (A Tony Perry Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя