"Hiccup!" Astrid gave a bright smile upon spotting him. She walked up to him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Aaaaah young love," Snotlout sighed from behind the counter before saying "You're usual, babe?"

"Hello to you too Snot, don't call me babe, and yes usual," Astrid said not taking her eyes off of Hiccup. "Have you ordered yet?"

"I have no clue what to get...." Hiccup mumbled and then something caught his attention. "Wait, you know Snotlout?"

"I'm a regular here." Astrid said which caused Snotlout who was still watching them to snort.

"Regular? I thought you had coffee instead of blood in your body by the amount you drink. Hiccup don't let her fool you. She's a caffeine addict."

"So I'm guessing you know Snot as well?" Astrid rolled her eyes at Snotlout's remark.

"We're in the same study group." Hiccup commented.

"Astrid, help the poor guy out with his coffee!" Snotlout said as he looked at the two. He went to make Astrid's order while Hiccup and her looked over the menu.

"Well it's a bit nippy outside so might I suggest a warm drink." Astrid leaned in close causing Hiccup to blush slightly. Her eyes skimmed over the list until she found what she was looking for. "Ah, here it is... try the Affogato."

"What's that?" Hiccup's brows furrowed.

"Vanilla gelato drenched in hot espresso," Astrid got this dreamy look in her eyes when she talked about coffee.

"Alright, I'll try it," Hiccup told her. He definitely wasn't opposed to trying something new.

"Snotlout give the man your special Affogato." Astrid chuckled.

Snotlout who was getting milk said "Rodger, one Affogato and one extra large Marocchino coming up!"

"Marocchino?" Hiccup asked. He had seen the drink on the menu but it was also unknown to him.

"Oh poor Hiccup," Snotlout mumbled. "You have no idea....."

The extra large Marocchino, turned out to be a very big cup of a shot of espresso, thick hot cocoa and milk froth. Hiccup stared at the cup Astrid was holding as they found a booth to sit at.

"Didn't the menu say it was supposed to be a small cup?" Hiccup asked as Astrid sniffed the beverage with glee. She must have been holding herself back the last time they went out for coffee.

"Snotlout hooks me up," Was all Astrid told him. In front of them were also two pastries that Snotlout had included. The barista had waved them off and said "Have fun you lovebirds." Which caused Hiccup to blush and Astrid to giggle. Taking his hand, she led him to a discreet booth and they sat down. Hiccup sipped his Affogato and his eyes slammed wide open and then he stared at his coffee.

"I think I'm in love," he murmured. Astrid huffed.

"Damn-I've got competition from a hot drink," she commented, sipping her Marocchino. Hiccup looked up and grinned.

"It's no competition to you," he said and then stared at the coffee. "Thor-I said that aloud, didn't I?"

"Loud and clear," Astrid told him, smiling and then grabbed a paper napkin and leaned forward. "You've got a little milk moustache there, Hiccup..." He blushed slightly and held still as she dabbed the milk away.

"Um...sorry..." he mumbled and then took another sip. She rolled her eyes.

"Got another one..." she told him and he gave a small smile.

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