Chapter 3

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Nina POV:

I walked Into the cafeteria looking for the boy, once I see him with lexi I walked up to them " hey Nina"lexi said I looked at her and glared, I'm always this nice girl, but let me tell you something I changed " okay..."lexi said I looked at the boy who's name is Paul" you!"I said pointing to him, he looks and points to himself as I nodded and told him to come " alright kid, here's the rules, I'll show you around, you don't talk to me just listen, don't you dare look at me and don't talk about my past, now let's go"I said as I walked off and he followed like a lost puppy " I'm Paul not kid"he said I stopped and turned around " okay Paul, I don't care, all I know is I'm being forced to show you around, so let's hurry this up"I said "okay..."he said as I started walking " boys bathroom"I said pointing to it " English Class" I said pointing to it " French class"I said " Math class" I said as we kept walking " Another Boy Washroom"I said walking off quickly " The teacher lounge"I said as we kept walking " The gym, we have 2 one here and the other upstairs"I said as we walked to the music and arts rooms " Arts, Music , guitar class, Photography, Band, and lastly Dance and Drama"I said pointing to each one of them as we went upstairs I showed him the other boy bathrooms, The geography room, The history room, computer class, The Library and lastly I showed him his classes and his locker which was ding,ding,ding near mine!!!  " Okay that's it, Don't act like where friends cause were not"I said as I walked off but I stopped and turned around "oh"I said as he looked at me, " welcome to Greenwood High School"I said and smiled as I turned around and rolled my eyes glad I'm over with that

Paul POV:

Nina being all rude and stuff Is hot!! it completely turns me on!!, I open my locker and put my books in and grabbed my bag and slammed my locker shut as I was about to turn around lexi was infront of me " hey lexi"I said " hey Paul, so how it go with Nina"lexi asked "she showed me the but I got it, anyways why is she so rude?"I asked she shrugged " who knows, I mean 3 weeks ago she was a really nice person, everyone loved her but she's act different, people say its about her ex boyfriend who dumped her, Ian they dated for 3 years and he just dumps her like that, over text message, what a jerk right? he broke her"lexi said so that's why she looks so sad, people can see her mask, but I can see behind her mask, I know she was sad but now I know why , Ian he's an idiot, Nina seems like a wonderful girlfriend " okay, well thanks for sharing but I got to go, see ya tomorrow?"I asked she nodded " you got it, bye Paul"she said and left

I was walking when I see Nina and a boy " I just don't understand why you dumped me"Nina said that's must be Ian, I took a good look at him, he does seem like a jackass " Nina, I'm sorry I found someone else"Ian said she wipped her tears " yeah, Nicole, is she prettier then me"Nina said Nicole is so not prettier then nina, Nina is gorgeous, beautiful " Nina stop, your just hurting yourself"Ian said " your hurting me, I thought we were going well"Nina said " it was, what we had was amazing, I just lost intrest in you"Ian said Nina gasped " you lost interst in me, now I know why, your such a jerk, and you know what your going to regret loosing me you bastard"Nina said as she slapped him he looked at her " you need help"Ian said and walked away " And you need a life"Nina said as she watched his walk away as she stomped her feets and fell to the ground, my 1 day of school and I already see her crying I walked up to her " you okay Nina"I asked she looks down, I'm guessing she wipping her tears " what do you want, I thought I told you not to talk to me"Nina said I sigh " he's not worth your tears"I said " shut up, and leave me alone"she said " Nina he's not worth your Time"I said " you don't understand"she said " I know he dumped you over text message, no guy is worth it if he doesn't have the decency to break up with you to your face"I said " just leave me alone"she said " do you want a ride"I asked " WHAT I WANT IS FOR YOU TO LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE, GO"she yelled standing up looking at me as I can see her eyes red " Why are you hiding it"I asked " You don't know me"she said " then let me give you a ride"I said " why?, can't you take a hint, I don't want you"she said " I find that hard to believe everyone wants me"I said " dead"she said I faked gasped " that hurts"I said " good, leave me alone"she said " I know you need a friend, I'm here, just let me give you a ride"I said " no!"she said " Nina, I'm not going to give up, let me give you a ride, you already have missed the bus"I said " what if I don't take a bus, I have a car"she said "bullshit, you don't have a car"I said " how do you know"she asked " well for starters, if you did you would have had it with you with your house keys"i said " I have it in my bag"she said "prove it"I said " I don't need to prove to you nothing"she said " just let me give you a ride"I said she groan " you won't take no for an answer would you"she asked I smiled shaking my head "nope"I said she groan " fine" she said I smiled as  we walked to my motorcycle " I'm not getting on that"she said "why scared"I asked "no"she said " then get on it"I said as I handed her a helmet she put it on and I help her, as I hop on and so does she as she wraps her arms around my waist I couldn't help but smile " your just smiling because I'm touching you"she said " I'm not denieing that"I said as I took off


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