Chapter 29

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I'm so nervous, I don't know why, sure I like Steven but.. omg my palm is sweating, my stomach is getting quizzy, ahh what's happening to me??? " Kat, relax"Nina said " omg, I'm so nervous!!"I said. Candice and Nina laughed " Don't be you look great!!"Candice said I know its a Tripple date but I told them I just wanted to wear pants and a cute shirt and that's what happened, I'm wearing a blue jean with a cute pink blouse Nina and Candice in the other hand are wearing dresses. There was a knock on the door. Nina walked over to answer it and saw Michael " Michael!!!"Candice said jumping onto him, how cute!! " Hey baby, uh... Hi girls"he said I smiled " so, you and Candice, hurt her and I'll hurt you"Nina said with a straight face he nodded his head "uh..Hi?"Paul said, my eyes travel to him he's so cute dark blue jeans, white shirt with a leather jacket. He made his way to Nina and pecked her lips " hey beautiful"Paul said towards her " Hey handsome devil"Nina said smiling I look ahead and I see Steven, I looked at him as his eyes darted to mine, he was trying to read me, I let out a small smile as he smiled back " You look beautiful"He said I smiled moving a strand of hair " Thank you"I said as I felt a pear of hands on my shoulder " She tries to be"Nina said laughing


Can I just take this time to look at Paul, omg this kid is the death of me!! He looks so good, " My Lady"he said taking my seat out I smiled sitting down " thank you"I said as he took a seat next to me " so, tell me about yourself Steven?"I asked as Paul grabbed my hand holding onto it under the table " uh.. I recently moved here, I'm a mechanic at my dads work shop, I go to your school"he said I nodded the waitress came and took our orders, once the Lady came we started eating and making small talk, Candice and Michael were litterly making out, Kat and Steven were talking, I looked at Paul and smiled " So... Why did I have to come?"Paul asked I chuckled " because your my boyfriend, and you love me"I said he nodded " right"he said causing me to chuckle " Hey, That's pretty"Paul said directing to my necklace, it was a green stone "uh..Thanks...."I said there's something about this stone, I know I can't tell Paul because if he finds out who knows what will happen " Where did you get it?"he asked "uh... Something Laying around"I lied I know I shouldn't lie to him but then again why the hell am I even wearing it oh wait, the person who gave me this said ' its the symbol of our love, noone can take it off' you have no idea how much I decided to take it off, its like the necklace was with wires and stuff " Well you look at that.." speak of the devil, I turned around and saw Ian with Nicole " Hey Nina"Ian said winking at me I groan in annoyance " what are you doing here Ian?"I asked " dinner, can we join you?"Ian asked as I heard Paul chuckle getting up from his seat which caused me to get up aswell " Leave. Now!!!"Paul said " you know Paul, I have this feeling you don't like me"Ian said " well, you have tried stealing my girl several time"Paul said aww he called me his girl!! " Well you look at that.."Ian said looking at me I frown my eyes he came closer to me, I stepped back a little he grabbed my necklace Shit " Don't touch her!!!"Paul spat. Ian all of a sudden started laughing I shook my head begging he doesn't tell Paul " Well love, thanks for keeping it!!"Ian said Paul looked at me confused " What did she keep?"Paul asked " The Necklace, I gave her!!"Ian said I widen my eyes " What??"Paul said clearing pissed " This Necklace I gave her, our year anniversary!!!"Ian said "wow"Paul said " Paul"I said " No! You lied to me!"Paul said " I didn't lie to you"I said " You told me you found it laying around"Paul said " I couldn't tell you it was Ian"I said " so you lied to me!"Paul said I covered my face omg, why is this happening to me " I'm sorry!"I said " I.. I can't talk right now"Paul said opening the door walking out, I ran and followed him " don't shut me out Paul!"I yelled he turned around " I... I need time Nina"Paul said as he got into his car and drove off, my eyes started getting watery, I felt a pear of hands around me, I looked and saw Ian, I pushed him off me and slapped him " FUCK YOU IAN!!!! I.HATE.YOU!!!!"I spat with so much venom and pushed past him


Of course Ian ruined EVERYTHING!!!!

What will happen next???

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