Chapter 22

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A/N: Hey guys I'm soooo sorry for not updating yestarday, I've been super busy, I hope this chapter makes it up!!


Wrecking Ball-Chapter 22


I really hoped Nina liked our date, it actually took me some time to get this idea, I'm so proud of myself because I did this on my own with no help, yeah im awesome!!. i helped nina back on my bike as she safely got on and i took her back home, once we arrived back to her place i helped her down " i had an amazing time paul"nina said i smiled im so glad she had such a fun time, it made me happy. " im soo glad you had fun"i said as she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a kiss. i kissed her soft lips and she giggled and she pulled away " i really do like you alot paul," she said i nodded " i know"i said as she lift an eyebrow " cocky much"she asked i chuckled "very"i said dipping her as she squealed and i pecked her soft lips again. what is it bad to kiss her i mean she is my girlfriend and i do really like her " i really like you to"i said as our forheads were touching she pecked my lips and opened her door "bye paul"she said smiling i waved bye and she went insode her house. i smiled making my way to my house on my motorcycle i stopped when a car came out of nowhere, i turned my bike which caused my bike and I to fall on the cold hard cement causing myself to scrape my leg and hand. i look ahead and see a black car the headlights turn fully on as i hear the engine turn on, i knew right there the person inside the car wanted to kill me, the car started speeding towards my direction, i quickly turned to the other side and the car ran over my bike i immediatly got up " ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!!"i yelled i was sooo pissed, who the hell was that guy and whoever he was he owes me a fucking bike!! I went over to my bike and picked it up as It wouldn't stand or turn on or anything... I let out a groan fucking great!!! I left my bike there and made my way to Nina place. Once I got there I knocked on her door as she opened it, she changed she was actually wearing pajamas shorts with a tanktop her hair was in a messy bun. Her eyes were not fully shut but you can tell she was sleeping " Nina?"I asked she immediately shot her eyes wide open looking at me "Paul??"she asked


I changed into my pajamas and layed on my bed, tomorrow is school, and Paul is still suspended which means Ian will want to talk to me... Great....* note the sarcasm* I started shutting my eyes.

5 Mins Later


I immediately got up, who the hell will be knocking at this Time, did Mom forget her keys I got out of bed and slipped on my bunny slippers, I walked downstairs and opened the door, I couldn't really make out who was there since I was basically half blind since I don't have my contacts or glasses " Nina?" The voice said, I recognized that voice anywhere " Paul?"I asked "Yeah, its me"he said I nodded " What are you doing here?"I asked as I heard him hmm.. "umm... I fell off my bike"he said I covered my mouth to not laugh " omg, really??"I asked "yeah, I have no ride to get home, plus someone tried to kill me"he said wait what?? " come in"I said as he entered I closed the door and went into the drawers near the door and took out my extra pear of glasses I put them on and I could finally see perfectly and that's were I fully saw Paul looking dashing as ever " Are you okay??"I asked as I noticed his jeans were ripped, his leather jacket was dirty he took a seat and lift his pants up as I see blood oozing out of him " oh my god"I said as I rushed to my bathroom and took out the first aid kit, I bend down and took out a bag of cotton balls and applied alcohol " this may sting a bit"I said as I touched his leg and dapped the cut as he litterly dugged hid nails on my sofa and winced " mmmm"he said I lightly chuckled and I added a band-aid " are you okay??"I asked as he cupped my face, I couldn't move just his touch made me like this.. " thank you"he said I nodded "  your welcome,"I said as he tilted his head to the side, he couldn't stop looking at me, I smiled a little " What?"I asked he let's out a smile " Your really beautiful in glasses"he commented I quickly took them off " I don't really use them"I said " well you should"he said I rolled my eyes " let's get you to bed"I said as I took him to my room " This is your room?"he asked I nodded " yup"I said popping out the 'P' he nodded " cute"he said as he made his way to my bed " are you sleeping here?"he asked I nodded " yup"I said as I layed on my bed " Care to Join me?"I asked he flashed one of his famous smile and layed down next to me, I snuggled onto him as he had his arms around me pulling me closer to him and I drift off to sleep

The Next Day

I turned my head and see Paul fast sleep, he looked to handsome and cuuuttee!!! I wiggled myself free from his grasp, I don't want to wake him up, once I got free, I went to the shower and took a quick shower, I then got out and got ready for school, I'm wearing light blue ripped jeans and a white tanktop I applied light make-up, I added my gold hoop bracelets and some big hoop earrings, I went into my favorite jewelry box and saw the gift Paul gave me, the half heart shape necklace with the carved word called ' You' I wonder what the other half say.. I added the necklace on and walked downstairs I poured orange juice in a cup and made toast, once I finished my breakfast I made a quick little note to Paul saying where im going which was school and I then left.


I woke up trying to pull Nina close to me but I realized she wasn't here... I got up and started looking for her, I went downstairs and headed to the kitchen were I saw a sticky note on the fridge

Hey sleepy head, didn't want to wake you so I walked to school. I'll see you after school


Hell yeah she's seeing me after school because I'm picking her up but first I went to my place, on my way there I saw my motorcycle and I went to pick it up, and started walking until I saw a repair store I walked in and saw a man with a mustache " Hello sir, what can I do for you?"the man asked " Hi, my bike broke, care to fix it?"I asked as he walked to my bike and looked at it " Will, it will take up some time, Five Thousand Dollars"the man said my eyes litterly shot out of my head " WHAATT??? why so expensive?"I asked " dude, your bike is trash, I can make it brand new and better, for starters your engine is old, you need new speed wheels and much more... So?"the man said I groan " fine, when will it be done"I asked " A Week"he said I nodded " Okay, I'll be here Saturday"I said and he nodded I went home and decided to take my car instead to pick up Nina.


Woah, so who ran over Paul bike??

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