Chapter 21

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Nina had her arms wrapped around my waist as I was going to the mountain " no way...are we having a picnic on the mountain?"Nina asked I sighed I should of covered her eyes, blindfolded them I let out a small chuckle " Nina cover you eyes"I said " Why???"she asked " Please"I said "Okay!! If I fall and die, its on you"Nina said " that wouldnt happen, I'll catch you"I said as I felt a peck on my cheek I smiled as I get steering my motorcycle,

I suddenly stopped " Why you stop? Where here? Can I open my eyes??"Nina asked "no, hold on"I said as I slowly got off and the bike bended " Aahh Paul"Nina yelled as she still kept her eyes close " sorry babe, here"I said picking her up bridal style " Okay Open you eyes"I said as she slowly opened her eyes, she was still in my arms looking around, there was a checkers blanket and the basket already there with 2 plates, and 2 cups Nina squealed and kissed my lips while I holded onto her tightly. I finally let her down as she didnt break the kiss and when she did she had one hand on my chest " Paul!!!"she breathed out and she looked back at the place as she walked around trolling around, looking around as she giggled " The place is breathing taking"nina said as she ran to me " noone went till this much for me..."Nina said as a tear fell down I cupped her cheek and whipped the tear " its because I care about you, Elena I know this was to fast but I got you this"i said reaching into my pocket and taking out a small box, No its not a ring.. she gasped and took it in her hands running her fingers through it " Paul.."she said looking at me as she smiled opening it.. i really hope she likes it once she sees the half heart shape with the word "You" craved in she couldnt help but smile big "its beautiful, thnk you paul"she said smashing her lips onto mine..


The Necklace paul gave me was to die for, it was split in half so im pretty sure he has the other side, the fact that he gave me this.. it really touched me.. i think i fallen hard for him.. we took as seat as paul started serving me the wine and he took out the food it looked soo good " omg paul did you cook?"i asked and he nodded as i picked up the red rose that was on my plate and smelled it... i looked back at him and smiled, i litterly felt like crying.. he did this all for OUR date.. Noone ever went this big...

after eating, i curled up to him since he was laying i layed my head on his chest and lift myself up and kissed him lips " thanks for a wonderful date"i said he smiled " thank you for giving me a chance"he said wrapping  his arms around flipping me over causing me to laugh and look at him who was now on top of me, i looked into her memorizing eyes and he flashed me a smile as i pulled him into a kiss

This day was simply amazing, i have the best boyfriend ever!!

hope you guys enjoed the date, dont worry drama will come up, very soon!!(:

photo of the picture of both the necklace is on the side-------------->

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