Chapter 20

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I watched Paul leave as I looked at Ian and Nicole and glare at them as Ian gets up and tell Nicole to leave, he walks over to me as he grabs my hand, I was shocked by his movement I mean what the hell is he doing??? I swap my hand away and look at him " Don't touch me"I spat as he smirked " Your hot when your mad"he said Whaatt the fucckkk???? " No!!! You lost your chance when you let me get away, Fuck off Ian"I spat " Nina it was always you"he said what is he trying to pull?? " I'm not the same girl anymore Ian!! You Fucking broke me!!!!!"I yelled making a huge scene, tears threatening to come out, Candice and Kat came to my side " Leave her alone"Candice said " Nina I love you!!"Ian said as I gasped " Don't tell her you love her, you never did!!! Your a prick Ian. Leave her alone"Candice yelled venom spitting out as she took a hold of me and we walked out of the classroom. Why now?? Why now that I'm happy with Paul??. We went to the bathroom that's when I let it all out " HE SAID HE LOVES ME!!!"I yelled pulling my hair, why does he do this to me "Nina stop!!"Candice yelled holding on to me " he's playing with you, your with Paul"Candice said" Paul really like you"Kat said as she looks down what? What is wrong with her? She's been so distant?? " I really like Paul, but Ian was my first love"I said " first love never works, Nina you and Paul, he makes you happy"Candice said that's true, Paul makes me happy but Ian do I love Ian?? No!!! I can't!!! " HE'S  KILLING ME!!!!!!!"I yelled pulling out my hair

I walked back in the classroom, I made up my mind, I don't love Ian, he doesn't love me, he finally knows I'm happy with Paul and he's trying to ruin my relationship, but its not going to work!!!. I took my seat and waited for this period to be over and it finally did, I'm already miss Paul, once class finished I said my goodbyes and walked out to see Paul leanning against his motorcycle I couldn't help but smile and I ran to him jumping on him my legs around his torso as I gave him a kiss that all I got and he gave me it back but 10 times better I jump off of him and pecked his lips " I missed you"I said " as did I!!"he said I smiled and remembered our first date " aahh, today is our first date!!!"I said so excited!!! And he nodded "yup!!"he said " so wanna tell me where we going?"I asked " How about I take you home, pick you up at 8 and maybe I'll tell you"he said " okay"I said kissing his lips, I wanted to tell him about Ian and I but... It's our first date and I didn't want to ruin it, tonight its just about us..

Paul dropped me off home and that's when I took out my cellphone and dialled the fashion and hair and make-up artists mostly known as my best friends " Hey Nina, what's up?"Candice said " Emergency!!"I said " What's up?"Kat asked " I need your help, come??"I asked " on our way.."Candice and Kat said as I hung up. I went to my closet and honestly as much as I wanted to wear a dress, the were all to fancy and Paul said to dress normal. Kat and Candice finally came I told them what's up, the gushed and now Kat is doing my hair and Candice just finished my make-up " okay clothes time!!, so what did Paul on how to dress"Candice asked as Kat finished my hair I got up and omg, my hair was sooo beautiful, I hugged Kat " thank you!!!"I said as she chuckled and then I looked at Candice " casual"I said and she nodded about an hour she finally found the perfect outfit, I nodded and quickly put them on " You Guys are amazing Thank you!!!"I said and they smiled as I pulled them into a hug


I was on my way to see Nina, I'm wearing a white shirt with black pants and my leather jacket it was pretty simple, I knocked on Nina door as Kat opened up as she let's out a small smile " Kat"I said " Hi Paul, Nina will be out"Kat said I nodded " she looks beautiful"Kat said I smiled, I can't wait to see her... The door opens and reveals the most beautiful girl I have ever layed eyes on, Nina took my breath away litterly I couldn't breath " Breath Paul"Candice said I chuckled, Nina was wearing a white frame denim skinny jeans with a black Slouchy Oversizes Shirt which has the word 'Fancy' across, Her Hair was curly, and across there was a braid(5). She had a white chain purse across one shoulder, she looked...Perfect " Is this good"Nina asked I nodded breathing " Wow!!, you look.....AMAZING!!!!"I said as she smiled I walked to her and kissed her lips " Beautiful!!!"he said she looked at me " and you look handsome"she said " I did put some cologne, but babe"I said as she laughed " so where are we going???"she asked I smiled I love how badly she really wants to know where we are going... " Okay, where going on a picnic"I said she smiled " Picnic?? Omg pauly!!!"Nina said jumping into my arms " I never been on a picnic before... I'm glad I'm going with you though"she said as I leanned him my arms around her waist pulling her into a kiss


The Next Chapter Will Be there date!!!:)

What do you think what Ian said to Nina??

Will Nina tell Paul??

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