{21} Jeon Jeongguk

Start from the beginning

"Problem?! That's what you call me now?" You glared at him. He rubbed his fingers over the bridge of his nose. "Look, can you just move aside so I can finish this-" He stopped talking.

You could hear the voice of his friends through his headset, that's how loud they were. "What?!" His eyes widened as he manage to look past your legs enough to see 'defeat' on the screen. He looked at you again, with a much more angry glance than before. "Look what you did! I lost the game because of you!"

"So? Does it look like I care? Now you can finally pay some attention to me."

"No way.. Yeah I'm joining another match, wait a sec.." He said to his friends before pulling off the headset and standing up. You smiled. Finally some time to get to talk to him, and getting hugs, and-

Your thoughts got cut off when he grabbed your wrist rather roughly and pulled you away from the screen.

"Look. I don't know why you did what you did, but you can't just stand in front of the screen while I'm playing a game, it's annoying. So just.. I don't know, go watch a movie or something, you can lay on my bed and wear one of my hoodies, 'kay?" He moved over to his headset again.

"Really? That's all you have to say to me?" You said angrily and scoffed. He turned around. "What am I supposed to say then?"

"Well a proper 'Hello' would be nice! Or maybe texting me back when I ask about your day, or if you're doing okay! Or maybe just pay attention to me!"

He sighed. "I do pay attention to you, can't you just let me play a game to relax? You know how busy I am."

"Busy?" You laughed sarcastically. "That's what you call busy? I'm your girlfriend for god's sake, and all you do is play that stupid game! Don't you know I'm here too?" You said, getting more and more worked up with frustration.

"Listen, I really don't want to argue with you right now." He said, starting to turn around.

"You only say that because you want to continue playing." You grabbed his wrist, you weren't done with ranting yet. "Jungko-"

"What?!" He sharply turned around, shoving you to the side, making you collide with the wall with your shoulder. It didn't hurt that much, but due to the shock you let out a whimper.

His eyes widened, realizing what he just did. "I.. I'm so-"

"Don't" You cut him off with tears in your eyes. "Fine. If you want to play that stupid game, go ahead. Have it your way. I guess that some pixelated characters are more important than someone who actually needs you" You coldly said and rushed out of his room, tears rolling down your cheeks.

You heard him yell after you, but you ignored him. Luckily you wore your 'easy-to-put-on' shoes today, and you quickly put them on, grabbing your jacket before running out of the door.

You ran all the way back to your apartment, and when you reached your room you let yourself fall on the bed, crying your heart out. Jungkook was never like this. He always looked after you, showed a lot of affection, and always made sure you were okay, and got all the attention you needed.

'You deserve to be treated like the princess you are.' He used to say.

"Princess my ass." You breathed out before sobbing again. You couldn't believe he really went that far. That game really changed his behavior towards you, and you hated it.

An hour later you had calmed down from crying, and grabbed your phone. Not even one message from him to check if you were okay. Not even one.

"Stupid boyfriend-stealing game." You muttered under your breath before you got up from your bed and changed into something to wear the night, as you were getting sleepy and your day didn't add something to your life anymore. Might as well be over already.

You put your hair in a messy bun, knowing it'll look like crap in the morning. But at this point, you didn't care. You laid down in bed and pulled the duvet up to your chin. You were a little used to sleeping alone again as Jungkook never came over anymore. Just thinking about it made you cry again.

You heard a soft knock on your bedroom door. You froze, until you heard a familiar voice.


You pulled the duvet higher up and closed your eyes, wiping away some fresh tears as the door opened.

"I know you're here, please talk to me." Jungkook said as he switched on the little lamp on your nightstand. You sniffled. "Like you wanted to talk to me the past few weeks."

You heard him sigh. "Listen, I'm sorry.. Just- Are you crying?" He asked when he heard you let out a few shaky breathes.

"N-No." You mentally slapped yourself for letting your voice crack like that.

"Oh, baby." He sighed and leant over you to grab the duvet away from you, but you hold on to it for your dear life. All in vain though, nobody could compare to the strength of this man. He helped you sit up and worriedly studied your tear stained cheeks, cupping your face with one of his hands and wiping away some new tears that were falling out.

"I'm so, so sorry." He said with an apologetic tone in his voice. "I.. I should've never let that game get in the way of spending time with you. I should've never yelled at you like that, and I should've never shove you aside like I did. I'm so sorry." His voice broke at the end of his sentence, and he pulled you closer to hug you. You let the tears fall down freely now, staining his shirt. After a few minutes of crying he pulled away and kissed your forehead.

"Am I allowed to sleep here tonight or did I ruin that privilege?" He asked softly while wiping away the last of your tears.

You chuckled and hit his chest. "Idiot" You laid back down again, tugging his shirt a few times. He chuckled as well and walked over to the other side of the bed, getting in next to you. He quickly grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him, hugging you closer.

"I'm sorry" He apologized again.

"Take me on a date tomorrow, and throw that stupid game away, then I'll maybe forgive you." You poked his chest with your finger. He lovingly kissed the top of your head. "Anything to get back on your good side again."

You chuckled and closed your eyes. "Good."

"I love you, so damn much." Jungkook said as he hugged you tighter.

"I love you too Kookie." You sleepily said as you began to drift off. Crying really drained you from your stamina. Even though you were absolutely not happy about the fight, you were happy it brought you your boyfriend back. And with that thought, you fell asleep in a dreamless sleep.

Goodnight ♥️♥️

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