Lets make a deal

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Alyana POV

I was sitting here talking to Lucy and Alex when all of a sudden I got a horrible pain in my abdomen. Pretty soon I fell to my knees holding my stomach. It felt like someone just stabbed my stomach.

"Ahhhh it hurts" I screamed.

"Alex run and get Sarah fast." Lucy screamed.

"Hold on Aly, please just hold on." Lucy said with tears in her eyes. I can tell she was worried about me. I have become very close with her the last couple months.

"I-I c-can't breath Luce." I said trying to breath. It felt like someone was crushing my lungs. I don't know where this pain came from.

"Alex take Alyana to my office quickly" I heard Sarah say. Then darkness consumed me. I heard a voice come in my mind.

"Well hello there sunshine" the voice said sending chills down my spine.

I knew I recognized his voice but I couldn't quite place who it could be.

"Who are you!" I said harshly.

"Bossy much. So I'm guessing the mate bond is getting stronger because you felt his pain." The voice said with an evil laugh.

With his laugh I knew exactly who this person was.

"Nicholas how are you in my dream?" I said to sounding confused. I mean I was confused. He didn't possess this gift. Tristan has this gift. Then I thought about. The pain I was feeling. Oh my god.

"What did you do to Tristan you son of bitch." I said screaming at him. I was horrified what if he killed him. I couldn't imagine losing him.

"Don't worry the boy will live for now. I just had to teach how to respect those in charge." He said with sounding irritated.

"If you do anything else to him I swear to God I will kill you." I said anger seeping through every pore of my body.

"Wow child you are strong. I can feel your power from here. I can't wait to mate with you. Then we will both be unstoppable." He said making me feel sick to my stomach.

I mean was this dude serious. He was sick he was an old man. I was only 16 years old. I haven't even turned 17 yet. What is with these damn vampires and wanting to mate with me. I was so tired of people trying to control me.

"I will never be yours not ever!!! You sick son...." Then he interrupted me.

"Now now the language. You really need to learn some respect. You have such a temper. I guess I will have to teach you in the bedroom how to control yourself." He said with a laugh.

"You and me will never happen. Get that through your head. You dumbass" I said my anger was now at an all time high.

"Listen here bitch. I'm tired of the disrespect. You will meet me by sunset at my boarders. If you don't meet me I will kill your precious Tristan and Victor as well. Plus I know your parents location. I will do anything to get what I want and kill anything that stands in my way. I also know about the new friends you made. So you either come to me or I will come to you and kill everyone at that damn pack." He said venomously.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing he would kill his own sons just for power. Also there are woman and child in this pack. I couldn't risk their lives. I don't know how he managed to capture Tristan but I couldn't let him die for me. Victor saved my life and helped me escape. I couldn't risk losing him too. It's time for me to be brave and quit trying to run from my problems.

"O-ok I-I will meet you." I said nervously.

"Smart girl we will meet by the wolf statue that's on the edge of your packs borders and mine. Don't be late or I might have to pay your pack a little visit. Also I might just have to torture poor little Tristan and Victor as well. I haven't got the chance to punish him yet." He said with an evil laugh. The kind of laugh that makes your hair stand up.

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