Plan of action

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So me and Tristan are on our way to my parents house. He said it was safe to travel there. So we are about 4 hours away right now. We are currently in Virginia they live in North Carolina. Virginia is so beautiful compared to where I grew up which was Missouri. Or like some people call it misery. It really was miserable there.

Tristan said we should be there by nightfall. I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I don't even know what to do when I meet them. It has really stress me out. Tristan keeps telling it will be fine, but I'm not so sure.

I'm hoping I can talk them into rescuing my mom. Well I know she isn't my real mother, but she still raised me. I know they probably will be against that, but she saved me, and Tristan life. So I have decided if they won't help me I will go on my own to rescue her. I actually have been able to block Tristan from reading thoughts. I try to just block the things, I don't want him to see. I guess it could be another one of my gifts.
So far I have four. Blocking people's powers, using the elements, telekinesis, and talking to animals. Which the talking to animals thing was weird at first. I honestly thought I was going crazy. I heard talking and realized I could hear what the squirrel was saying. Which honestly I didn't know squirrels think that much about food.
I'm also very strong and very fast. I'm stronger and faster than Tristan. Which I didn't think that could be possible, because he is really fast and strong. Then Tristan says something to me and I didn't really hear him.

"What was that?" I said curiously.

"I said are you ok. Your kind of quiet over there." He said looking like he was trying to get into my head. He looks at me then turns his head back on the road.

"You have been very hard for me to read lately" he said suspiciously.

"Really? So you have been trying to read me?" I said trying to sound convincing.

"I'm being serious here" he said sounding upset.

"I am too, I have nothing to hide from you." I said then touched his arm slightly. I felt the goosebumps travel all the way up his arm.

"I hope not, I really care about you Alyana" he said looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes I could get lost in.

I feel bad for lying to him but I need to keep him safe. If I can't get my biological parents to help me get my mom back. Then I have to go alone. I won't risk Tristan life. He means to much to me. I can't believe how much I care about him. Could I possibly love him?

We finally made it to North Carolina. We should be arriving at my parents house anytime. I'm so nervous I don't know how to feel. Then Tristan grabbed my hand and wrapped his fingers around mine. God I love the way he makes me feel.

"Even are hands fit perfectly together". I said nervously.

"Yeah they do" he said as redness filled his face.

I just laughed he is so cute. I'm so happy I got the chance to meet him. I don't think I could of made it the last couple months without him. I can't believe it's been four months since my dad died, and my mother was taken. If it wasn't for him. I would probably be his brother's prisoner. His brother would probably be doing god knows what to me. I shiver at the thought of it.

"Hey are you ok?, Are you cold? He asked with a worried look across his face.

"Yeah I was just thinking of what might of happened to me, if I never met you. You really saved me if it wasn't for you..." I said as tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Shhh it's ok I promise I will keep you safe. I won't let my brother hurt you I promise. I would do anything for the woman I lo-like" he said nervously.

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