Death Wish

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Alyana POV

I walked outside and immediately was hit with a wave of fear as I saw the vehicle sitting there. A tall man with black hair and tan skin came walking towards me.

"Do you have any luggage for me to put in the vehicle?" He said with a smile.

I just nodded my head to tell him no. At least this man wasn't intimidating. He seemed normal almost like he was a human. He seemed like he was a nice man. Then I heard my wolf Lua speaking to me.

'He is a human.' Lua said

'How can you be sure.' I told Lua

'I smell him. He is definitely a human.' Lua said.

'I don't like that we're doing this. I know we need to save the men who claim to be are mates. Something doesn't feel right though. I know Nicholas has a plan I just don't know what.' Lua said nervously.

Then I heard that voice to knock me out of my thoughts. "Mam are you ok? You looked like you were zoning out." He said with a nervous smile.

"Your a human?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes I am but I still have to work and do my job." He said matter of factly.

"So you know what Nicholas is and that doesn't scare you?" I asked I was more curious than anything else.

"Yes I do. We better get going. We are already running behind and Nicholas doesn't like when I deliver late." He said nervously.

I got in the back seat and started thinking. Even my wolf was on edge at this point. So he has delivered people to him before? If so, what does that say about this mans personality? Either way things weren't looking good for me. The farther I got to the boarder the more nervous I seemed to get. The man must have noticed because he said something.

"Don't worry I was told to make you comfortable and not to let anything happen to you. It seems like Mr. Evergreen cares about your well being. The others he didn't care as much. I know you will be well taken care of." He trying to give me a comforting smile.

'I don't like this something isn't right. What does he mean others? We need to get out of this vehicle now. I know you care about your friends and you care about Tristan and Victor. Something is wrong though and I'm worried if we stay it will end badly.' I heard my wolf Lua say.

I know she was right but what could I do. If I leave Nicholas will kill my family and my friends. He will kill his own children for power. I can't allow that to happen. I'm not worth the lives, of 100's of people. Sarah pack had at least 200 pack members and more than half of them were woman and children. I couldn't risk them getting hurt. I knew what I had to do even if Lua didn't approve.

'I'm sorry Lua you know we have no choice. There are woman and children in the pack our pack. Sarah took us in and helped us. I'm not going to risk her life and the pack. Not only that but he will kill our family. He will kill our mates. He will kill anyone to get to us. I know something isn't right either but we have no choice. We can always just try to kill him when we see him. At least we would go down fighting.' I told Lua. I can tell my last sentence left her amused.

'Hell yeah let's kill that asshole. Then he will never be able to hurt anyone again.' I heard lua say proudly.

'I see the border up ahead Lua. Another SUV is parked out there. I'm scared Lua. Nicholas scares me.' I said to Lua nervously.

'I will be right here with you. He won't hurt you I promise.' Lua said trying to comfort me.

As we pulled up I could see Nicholas get out of the car. My hairs on my arm stood up. I was so scared of what he might do to me. Before I had Victor protecting me. Now I don't have Victor anymore. I'm all alone in this one. The SUV came to a stop and I knew I had to get out.

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