Chapter 8

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When I opened my eyes..... I saw little Sofia....she looked very beautiful when she was 10. She was sitting beside my bed, tears coming out from her eyes...shining like crystals. Mom and dad were also there. Mom looks so worried like her life is going to end. Normally....she takes care when anyone gets sick in our house...but this time the condition is more critical.

I remembered when I was 12..... I got a very high fever... I barely keep my eyes open. The doctor is also beside me checking my pulse....and eyes. He gives some pills and medicine to my mom and said that I will get well in a few days. Mom and dad follow the doctor outside the room.

Sofia's still there......changing the wet napkin over my head. Tears are still running on her cheek. She quickly wiped out her face and bring one locket with the fox on it. She tied that locket around my neck. She is still sobbing.....she said in her little sobbing but cute voice, "this fox will protect you..."

I don't know why, but I actually feel better when she tied that locket around me...maybe it's not the locket but her caring and love for me that's healing me.

maybe it's not the locket but her caring and love for me that's healing me

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Watching a dream like this when your life is going crazy is actually nice... I don't remember what happened after that....possibly I fall asleep....but in that dream.... after Sofia give me that locket....we hear a voice....more likely a scream...that's my mom, screaming and yelling for help.

Sofia quickly gets up and runs towards the room's door asking mom what happened......when she opens the tall and a huge man in the monster costume is standing right in front of little Sofia. I remembered that's the same that I saw in one-off that visions in the museum. What's happening in my life....first that bald man with blades....and now this monster costumed man.

That man throws Sofia on the corner in just one hit.....and comes near to my bed..... I can still see his eyes from his big helmet.....burning red...., he takes out one long sword and takes a position like he's just going to cut my throat in one swing. I can not even say "help".....he swing his sword....sword is just an inch away from my neck......and that locket starts to glow....light bursting from the locket....blinding me and that man.

"Adam... Adam.....wake up"

I open my eyes...again... Michelle's face comes into my vision first. Mike and that girl were also there. But my eyes are searching for Lucas.

"Where's Lucas....where am I..." I said seeing around the room. The room looks like it's fully made of wood....some fine polished wooden floor, every corner of the room is lighted by a small lamp. Bonsai plants are making room more attractive. There are also some stands holding some sharp and shiny swords and weapons.

"Lucas is out of danger.....and you are in our can call it home" one old lady comes in the room. Wrinkles are all over her face....but her eyes are still full of shine and hope. With her, there is one more person wearing the clean white clothes like people wear when they practice karate. A black belt is around his waist and a red band on his head.

"This is not my home" I look at Michelle...
"Michelle.....who are these people and where is Lucas.....and what happened to that cloak gang that attacked on us"

"Adam....there are a lot of things that we don't know about that sword...about the whole situation......listen..."

"Allow explain everything to your dear friend, my child" that old lady come closer to me. That karate kid takes one chair and offer that lady to sit.

"Thanks, Mr. Adam Smith... I am Karin....shifu of the ancient school Muramasa and master of the group called "Shiroi Kitsune" I will answer all your questions."

"Ok....nice to meet you... Madam first tell me where am I"

"You are in our Dojo...made by my dear husband.....who was a great kung fu master.....and also the great person" Karin take a photo frame from the table that have a photo of a man holding a trophy.....maybe it's her husband's photo.

"Ok, and why are we why are me, Mike and Michelle are here...and yes, first tell me where's the Lucas."

"As I said earlier... Lucas is safe and sleeping in the other will meet him very soon" Karin stands up from the chair and walk towards the bonsai plants.

"Before you continue asking more question.....let me tell you one tale....the tale that many mothers tells their children in Japan. The tale that contains all the answers you seek.....the tale of the fight between 2 legends.......Masamune and Muramasa.

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