Chapter 2 - The Museum

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After cleaning the whole wooden floor, it's our break time. people starting to come in museum. Today is a special day because there is a new item in the museum the "SWARD". I don't understand why people even pay for just watching a sword and other ancient shit. but, who am I to judge.

Hank, the man who knows everything is like a guide for the museum. he know the every single detail of all the things on display, Hank start giving his long speech about the artifacts to some school students. And when they come to that sword.

"This is the sword called JUUCHI YOSAMU made by the great Japanese sword smith MURAMASA" Hank said with very proud voice like he made that sword.

"This sword is use in the battle with MASAMUNE for blah blah blah...." Hank start with all his knowledge. he didn't even stop a second for thinking about what he is going say next. He just keep going.

"What if someone try to STOLE it" one blond girl with some books just save the whole group by listening to Hank's unimportantly important information. Hank stop and see in that girl's eyes.

"what are you trying to say" Hank said narrowing his eyes.

"I am saying, what if someone try to stole this very precious sword from this museum." The girl reply to Hank with the continuous and confident voice.

"well I hope that should not happen" Hank hesitate.

"but if that happen, we have CCTV everywhere and a good team of guards to take care of that thief. and specially for this" Hank put his hand on the glass case of the sword.

"there is a mechanism connected with this sword. if anyone remove the sword from it's place, it's directly lock all the exits and start the security alarm. that mechanism is completely separated from all the connection and network in our museum. that means if someone take control on all our museum's security system, this sword will still be safe"

"Whhooww......did you know about that Charlie, what we do now" Mike said in hyper voice like his life is going to end.

"don't worry, I take care of that" ignoring all other Mike's argument. I actually focus on Hank's lecture.

"the sword's is on weight sensitive stand. if someone even try to touch this sword, it will trigger the mechanism."

"so what do you think...... is there any way, to take this sword out of the museum." that girl is more interested about the security of sword then me.

"well, if you asked me......if someone replace the sword with the same weighted thing very quickly. there is a very less chance for this to happen but yes, it can happen."

"And which thing can replace the weight of the sword" the girl come little closer to sword and look directly into Hank's eyes.

"I am afraid about your too many questions for this sword but, this sword is not that heavy. any wooden stick with the same length of this sword can easily replace it. Okay, now enough about the sword let's go to our art section" Hank take all the student to the other section. leaving the floor and some difficulties for me to clean.

"The museum is going to closed in 30 minutes." the guard inform all the visitors and workers, after the long day, everyone start to leave the place. but not me and mike.

I think it's time for me to tell you about my talent which I discussed earlier. YES....I am the thief who's going to take that sword.

How am I going to do that ?..........we will see in the next chapter.

JUUCHI YOSAMU - 10,000 cold nightsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum