Chapter 23: Kicked out

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 We were getting ready for our show doing sound check and getting everything situated. I practiced Mr. Doctor Man on my bass a bit when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist "I want to sleep" Rem was really tired from the long ride. I smiled "get done with this show then you can sleep" he groaned and Sebastian sighed "keep acting like this and I'm firing you" "try me hoe". I rolled my eyes as they sorta fought but Sebastian walked off taking a shot of gin. 

   During the concert, Rem and I had played Ma Cherie along with a few older songs of theirs but then we got to playing Death Dance. I was besides Sebastian playing along with him as I then heard the crowd do nuts. I looked down to see Remington crowd surfing all the way to the back. I looked over at Emerson to see them not so worried as me so I brushed it off. Normally Rem crowd surfs but not so far away from the main stage. I was facing Emerson as we played the song but he slowly stopped playing along with Sebastian. I turned around to see what they were staring at then I saw it "Remington" I thought. As I looked security grab him up over a post to then pin him to the ground. I looked over at the security motioning us to get of stage and them taking Remington to the back. Sebastian and I through our gutairs down onto the stage along with Emerson kicking his drum set then walked over to them. Sebastian spoke to the manager as he explained what was happening then soon Remington walked past us out onto the stage "Sorry guys they kicked us off so see you all later love you all".

He stormed past me then out the back door "ill go see rem" I told Emerson as I left to follow Remington. As I opened the door I saw him sitting on the sidewalk smoking a cigarette "Leave me the fuck alone" he snapped not looking behind him. I sighed and walked up to him then sat besides him "why are you here" He sounded like he was about to kill someone. I looked over at him and hugged him tightly "calm down ok we can sue them Sebastian and our tour manager are talking". He wrapped his arm around me "I'm sorry I snapped at you" he kissed my forehead. I grabbed his cigarette and took a little puff "hey that's mine" "nope mine now" We both smiled to each other.

He sighed and looked up at the sky "hey look the moons out" "you sound like a kid" "your short as a child". I glared at him and he just chuckled "Hey guys so we sued them and got it all worked out" Emerson came out with his vape in hand. We looked at him then nodded in response "come on lets go to the bus we got a small group for V.I.P tonight like 9 people" Emerson smiled big. Us three walked to the bus and I stole Emerson vape for a tiny bit "Rem why didnt you buy her a vape cause now she's stealing mine" Emerson grumbled to both of us. I took a puff then realized it was weed instead "oh great now I'm going to be high thought this was nicotine" Emerson laughed and took it back. I laid on the couch slightly buzzed as they took pictures of Rems marks/ brusies. They started blasting music on the bus and Remington slid down the couch next to me "hey you ok Mrs.stoned face" "look at least I'm not drunk" "I'm not that drunk Sebastian is". We all laughed and I mad my way up to the bunks "I'm going to fix my makeup quick".

I got into my bunk and started to fix my makeup a bit when i heard someone come up the stairs. I didnt bother to check when then Remington poked his head into my bunk "hey beautiful" "ok how drunk are you" "not at all". He kissed me a bit and I had kissed him back for a bit til he moved his way onto my neck. He started to kiss and even tease me a bit with love bites "Rem stop" I giggled. I felt him leave two hickeys on my neck and pulled away "Now people will see that someone has claimed you" He laughed. I left a few on his neck/chest "now people will know your mine as well or at least taken" I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me tightly "thanks for cheering me up your the best Lisa".

We soon left the bunks to back downstairs to see some fans sitting on the couch "oh look princess 1 and 2 are finally here" Sebastian laughed. We sat down and did out normal Q and A til someone asked me a question "Lisa what's those marks on your neck from". My face turned pink a little so shyly I said "My boyfriend who else would give me the marks" the whole bus owed and awed. Soon questions started to be asked "Who's your boyfriend, how long you been together" I smiled big. "Well I'm not saying who cause drama and he doesn't want our relationship to be public nor do I so I wont name names but We've been together for about 2 months". I blushed a bit as they were saying how lucky he is and Emerson spoke up "him and her are always making out on the bus its gross like I walk in to them almost about to do it". My face turned red and I punched his arm "We do not shut up and it's only when he visits me during the tour".

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