Chapter 8: guard

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  A pizza soon arrived already paid for by Remington and I took a selfie to send to him 

Me: *pic of me with the pizza* Thanks my Vampire for the food can't wait for tonight                          Remington: Aww glad you love it my baby bat I can't wait either what we doing?                                    Me: oh nothing just watching The Office and whatever is in my kitchen to make for dinner                Remington: that sounds lovely can't wait to see you soon Baby bat 

  I smiled at his text while eating the pizza which tasted super good and went on Instagram to see my newsfeed. I looked threw and saw all the comments on Remington's post of me singing which the comments looked all nice for the most part. It made me smile seeing everyone's comments with "omg her voice <3" which made me feel better about my voice. Until I came to some other comments "God why does she sound like a cow and look like one too" it went on and on. Tears started to stream down my face and I ran to the bathroom to throw up the pizza I ate. 

  Soon I heard the door open and someone's footsteps get louder "hey you alright back there" someone called out. I soon stopped and washed my hands "yes I'll be there in a minute" I walked out there to help them. 

           *few hours later* 

 I sighed as I cleaned up the shop and got ready to close the shop. After I was done I locked up shop and waited outside for Remington to pull up. I soon saw his car drive up to me and rolled down his window "Hey babe get in". I smiled a bit and got in "Since when am I your babe, thought I was a baby bat" I smiled and bit as he chuckled. He drove a bit slow as we made our way to my crappy little house. We pulled up to my place and I opened the door "Welcome to my horrible place, trying to get a loan for a nicer apartment" I sighed and he looked around. He walked into the hallway then my room " I like it, I know this is your room by the black veil brides poster along with H.I.M".

  I blushed a bit and walked over to him "Yeah just need to add a few more like your band and my favorite video game" he looked down at me "Whats your favorite game". I sat on my bed and sighed a bit "Silent Hill 2, helped me through a rough time and still helps me coop with my depression as the game itself is depressing. I could quote that game word for word" he sat next to me and listened to everything I said. I soon noticed that I was going on and on so soon stopped as he gave me a shocked look "please play the game for me tonight". I smiled "gladly but whats for dinner is more important so let me go look in my kitchen" 

I got up and walked to my kitchen as Remington followed behind me "alright I got pasta or frozen chicken nuggets" I laughed and so did he "how about you go get something from the store while i get the game out of my closet and loaded up" I asked but he frowned "Ok but do not play without me or you'll get it" he laughed and wrapped his arms around me giving me a warm hug. I hugged him back but soon let go so he could leave "get something you like ok ill make your favorite dish" he smiled ear to ear "yes baby bat". He left for the store and i went into my guest room/hobby room to look threw my games. I had a room dedicated to my art and video games with a surround sound TV that was a gift from an old friend. 

 As I looked through my games 30 minutes went by til I heard my front door open then close thinking it was Remmy I ran out to see him. But soon stopped to see Chris standing in my living room "where have you been hoeing around" my heart sank down into my chest "ive been busy". My vice sounded weak as he got closer "bullshit come over here" as he got closer I darted for the guest room. He chased after me like a mad man and threw me against the wall "don't even try to run your all alone and hopeless now bend over let me have some fun" I screamed for help as he grabbed my arms. Tears streamed down my face as he slapped me harder then ever in an effort to knock me out but it didn't work. 

 After 5 minutes of fighting back he got me down and started to rip the shirt off of me but i then heard the front door open and close with heavy running steps toward me. "Hey ass fuck hands off the lady" Remington's voice was low and filled with rage. Chris let go of me and stood up to face him "oh so your the faggot messing with this hoe well sorry buddy shes taken" he swang for Remington but he ducked and hit him across the face hard "Yeah taken by me". Tears kept rolling down my face as I watched Remington about kill Chris. I got up and helped Remington kick Chris's face in "fucking prick this is after the 3 years of abuse" I yelled and Remington soon stopped. "Go call the cops while hes knocked out ok" he hugged me tightly and stroked my hair. I went into the kitchen dialing 911 and they soon arrived to take Chris away. I filled out form to take him to court for abuse and a restraining order. 

 After all that was cleared I laid on my couch, makeup smeared, clothes still a bit ripped and felt horrible. Remmy sat down next to me and I curled up beside him crying "shhhh its ok baby hes gone forever he will never harm you ever again I promise, I promised to keep you safe and I shall keep that til the day I die". He stroked my hair, comforting me 

"Can I please go play Silent Hill 2........"

Longest chapter yet! Hope you all loved it message me if you did!!( 1075 words)

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