34. Hollie Foster

35. Richelle Harris

They all seemed pretty nice but I knew some of them were going to be trouble. The royal family left and we gathered in the foyer.

"Ladies ladies!" Juliet called. I had seen her around the palace a few times before.

"Welcome to the palace! We will show you to your rooms but first some rules." She stated then listed off "Do not be late for meals unless you have a reason. Do not bully each other. Call the royals by their titles. The 3rd floor and up are forbidden-" That is where my bedroom was." And I just got a note from prince Tyson." She said and read it out.

"The library is out of bounds unless you have an assignment or your name is Annie?" She looked confused. I promised myself to step on Tyson's toes later.

"Well... we will show you your rooms now!"Juliet clapped and walked us up the stairs.

The first floor had the ballroom, kitchens, foyer, laundry and the maid's rooms. The second floor had the selected rooms, dining, small living, library, study and a guest bedroom. The third floor had royal bedrooms and the big important study's. The fourth floor had our normal dining room, big living area and a playroom. The fifth floor was an astronomy tower. 

Once upstairs we turned right and went down two corridors.

"Here we are!" Juliet yelled. There were 35 doors going in two directions.

"I have your numbers as I call you out find your room." She said and started calling out names. I was 10 so I headed to the door with the big number 10 on it. When I opened the door 3 girls were standing there.

"Surprise!" Hazel yelled and jumped on me. I hugged her back and faced the other two.

"Lady Annabeth, I'm Alicia." Alicia curtsied. She had blonde hair tied up in a bun and green eyes.

"I am Amanda." Amanda curtsied. Amanda had brown hair and brown eyes.

"And were your maids!" Hazel yelled.

"I'm Annabeth and there is no need for the lady or the curtsy." I said looking around. 

To my right was a big Queen sized bed with grey covers and a grey canopy. To my left is a hallway and a desk. I walked over to the girls and saw that the first door on the left led to a closet and to the right, the door led to the bathroom. I smiled.

"This is going to be interesting." I stated and sat on the bed. They seemed like really nice girls.

"I'm sorry but I love your dress! Did you make this Hazel?" Alicia squealed and looked to Hazel who smiled.

"Yes and wait till you see what else I have made!" Hazel yelled and dragged Alicia to the closet. Amanda rubbed her temples.

"So sorry about them miss." She said.

"No no, its fine I like that they are excited." I said and got up.

"Hazel can you fix my hair before lunch!" I called and the girls ran back into the room.

"Annabeth we are all your maids now so we will all help fix you up." Alicia explained and dragged me to the bathroom. She sat me down in front of the vanity and started on my hair. While Amanda did my make up.

"So made any friends yet?" Hazel asked.

"No Hazel." I sighed.

"But how did you end up my maid?" I asked.

"I might have talked to Percy this morning." She said obviously having done so.

"Wait, you two know each other already?" Alicia asked. Then hazel launched into the story of how we met.

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