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"There you are! I was starting to think you weren't coming today." Louis exclaims. Harry has just walked into breakfast period, which is after 2 period.

"Well, I'm here." Harry chuckles, sitting next to Louis at the lone table. Not so lone now that two people are occupying it.

Louis smiles and presses a kiss to Harry's cheek, "You okay?"

"Yeah-" Harry stops himself. He has to do this, "Actually, Lou." He looks down at the book Louis had put down when he walked up, "We need to talk, It's serious- And you'll probably want nothing to do with me anymore."

Louis frowns, "Harry, nothing would drive me away, you know that don't you?"

"I know, but Louis, it's really bad, and I wish I could take it back but-"

"Harry, you're shaking." Louis says slowly, taking a hold of Harry's hand, "Do you wanna go outside? I can manage to skip a few classes."

"Uh, Yeah- but let's just sit in my truck maybe? I don't really think we should leave." Because I know as soon as I tell you, you'll run from me.



It's cold, you should turn the truck on, especially if we're going to continue sitting here in silence." Louis jokes and leans back in the seat, his head turned towards Harry's.

"Yeah, Yeah." Harry agrees, turning the truck on, along with the heater for Louis. Though Harry is sweating and his hands are shaking.

"Tell me what's happening here Harry." Louis speaks up, sitting up a little bit, "Just tell me."

Harry looks down at his lap and nods, "I- I- This is hard Louis, because I never meant for it to go so far." He swallows and reaches into the side of his door, pulling out an envelope.

"What is that?" Louis mutters, pure confusion in his eyes as he eyes the envelope.

Harry hands it to Louis and doesn't say a word yet, just waits for him to open it.

Louis hesitantly opens it and his eyes widen at the large amount of hundreds in there, "Harry..What is all of this? This is a lot of fucking money."

"It's your money." Harry tells Louis, eyes glazed over with tears, "Every last penny that you gave to me."

"I'm so confused, Harry- you- Holy Shit." It hits Louis all at once. "Harry- did you- you-"

"I was really scared Louis- I had no way of providing good money for Gemma- and even my mom." Harry feels tears falling down his face but he keeps speaking, "Zayn and I came up with this idea-"

"I don't care." Louis says quietly, stuffing the envelope in his bag, "I don't care what you have to say." He tells Harry, "Get a job, and leave me alone."

"Louis, please-"

"No." Louis snaps, tears in his eyes as he opens the door, "You never meant a word you said."

"Yes I did, Louis I-"

"You'll never care about anyone more than yourself." Louis hisses, eyes stern, "I trusted you."

"I know, baby-"

Louis shakes his head and hops of the truck, slamming the door behind himself and walking back to the school. Tears are running down his face but he doesn't dare turn around or acknowledge him.

It's over. There's no going back and there's no forgiving what Harry has done.

It's over.

Unwinding (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora