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James: Louis

James: ): I need someone to talk to

Louis: its 2 am, James. what do u want

James: My mom woke up throwing up blood and im just so upset

Louis: oh my god..is she okay?

James: no, not at all. and i feel so guilty because i dont even have enough money to get her fucking pain medicine from the store

Louis: ...James...I'm so sorry

James: Shes in so much pain, Lou. it hurts to know my little sister has to watch her mummy fade away

Louis knits his eyebrows in sorrow, his chest feeling heavy. He's so blessed with all of this money..yet there are people out there like James who aren't.

Louis: Do you have a paypal account? I could give you some money...

James: You don't have to do that, lou

Louis: Yes I do James, your mother sounds like shes really bad off. this is the least i can do

James: I'll pay you back.

Louis: dont worry about it, just give me your paypal please

Harry gives Louis is paypal account, a smirk on his face. He didn't know it would be so easy. Of course he knew he would succeed, but with this much ease? No way.

Minutes later, he sees that he has received $400 from Louis. His eyes widen and a grin plasters his face. Fuck yes.

James: lou..thats alot..you didnt need to do that, whos money is that?

Louis: its just some of the money i had saved for college..but you are alot more important than that.

James: thank you baby...it really means so much to me and my family

Louis: Im just glad i could help.


The next day at school Louis finds himself approaching Niall, where he is seated with Liam. Louis didn't know much about him, just that he was a sophomore and that Niall had a major crush on him. Louis is hesitant about it because Liam gets around. He's a nice guy, but Louis feels like he would use Niall. He couldn't fathom the thought of his best friend getting hurt. He's only a freshmen.

Heartbreak is for big kids, Louis thinks.

Before Louis can make it over to them, theres a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and is met with the doleful girl that happens to be Harry's sister. Gemma.

"Is your name Louis?" She asks, Louis replies with a timid nod, a small smile on his face.

"Mr. Griffen says he needs to see you. I was in there taking a test and he told me to go find you." She rambles, tugging her sleeves down a bit, a blush on her cheeks. Not because she fancies him, but because she is nervous to be interacting with a complete stranger.

Louis as a beclouded look on his face, his features dampened with worry, "Did he say why?" He asks, biting the inside of his cheek.

"No, but he might just need you to do corrections, I heard him talking to a few other kids about it too." She says, then shrugs, face flushing, "But-t I could always be wrong, I don't know. It could be anything."

"It's okay." Louis certifies, "Um- I was meaning to tell- or ask if you wanted to maybe sit with me and my friends at lunch?" He asks, looking down at his crystal clean shoes, "I just noticed you don't sit with anyone- so I just wondered."

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