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"Louis!" Niall shouts, rushing up to the shorter boy with frantic eyes, "Did you get a haircut?"

"Um, yeah?" Louis mutters, stopping in the middle of the cafeteria as he looks at his blonde friend who, surprisingly, isnt take much taller than him so he doesnt have to look up, "Why? Does it look bad?"

"No, you just didn't tell me you were getting it." Niall takes a step closer to Louis and eyes his smooth face, "You've got bags under your eyes, long night?"

And he suddenly realizes why he loves Niall so much. He knows him so well. You would think they were consanguineous to each other.


"The babies?"


"Glad I'm an only child, It's very halcyon." The blonde replies, "The only sounds you would ever hear is me on my xbox and my dad sorting through bills." he lives with his dad where as his siblings live with his mother.

"Yeah, but I guess it's not that bad.." Louis says, then looking over at the girl sitting by herself, listening to music on her black ipod. How oldstyle, Louis hasn't seen one in years. The girl seems very loquacious. She doesn't put off a happy vibe, but she doesn't give off an angry vibe either. Neutral, he guesses.

"What are you- Oh." Niall takes a look at the dark haired girl, "Gemma always sits by herself."

"Sad." Louis regards, pursing his lips, something inside makes him want to go hug the quiet girl and just let her know she can be loved too.

"Yeah, it is."

"I haven't seen her around a lot this year." Louis drags put the subject, he seems to want to vilify the entire thing.

"Harry usually has her somewhere else."

"Harry?" Louis ponders, furrowing his eyebrows into a makeshift confused look. He's never heard of the lad before.

"Yeah..Styles." Niall answers.

"Harry Styles." Louis tests, nodding, "Is that her boyfriend? I haven't seen him around." He says, sighing as he directs his attention towards Niall.

"No, he's her brother, hangs out with that Malik kid." Niall says, glancing from Gemma to Louis again. "Zayn." He says as he remembers the rebels name. "Always dressed in black? They have tons of Tattoos."

"I don't recall." The blue-eyed daze responds, "Anyways I was wond-"

"There." Niall says, nodding at a figure behind Louis, "Thats Harry."

Louis sighs and turns around, making eye-contact with the boy walking in their direction , probably not to them but Gemma.

Harry contains his hard gaze while staring at Louis, winking and then breaking eye contact to look at his sister. Louis flushes and turns his attention back to Niall, "Huh, cool."


Later that night at 7:56 PM

James Sweden: Hey.

Louis: Hi

James: How was your day, love?

Louis: Boring and dreadful.

James: Oh? Why's that?

Louis: School.

James: Oh come on. It isn't that bad.

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