Ch.10 [EDITED]

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    Waking up, I look around to find that I'm alone. The rain outside makes the room feel desolate and the wind gives me chills. The window on the other side of the room is open and I don't remember opening it before I went to sleep. Getting up I walk toward the window looking out to see that it is morning, not too early. I go to the bathroom deciding that a hot shower would do me good. After showering and finishing any other hygiene I went downstairs to see if the guys were here. Step after step I couldn't help but notice that they had a lot of photos on the wall. Some of the photos were of them and their family, others were friends that I obviously had never met. I wondered where all these people lived seeing as how I had never seen them in the house at least once. Continuing down the stairs I realize that the house was definitely quiet so they must not have been there.
    Going to the kitchen I decided I was going to make something to eat and then watch TV until they got back, there wasn't really much I could do. Pulling out one pot and a pan I decided that I was going to make fettuccine, yes it was early but I mean who is going to stop me? Pulling out the sauce and filling the pot with some water, while also getting the pasta I started to wonder where the guys were, they should have been here the house feels so cold and  the bed wasn't even warm on my side and I know they normally come in to at least sit and watch me sleep sometimes because I felt them in my room, the first few nights that I was here. As the water was beginning to boil, I looked in the refrigerator for something else to add into the fettuccine I prefer to have  shrimp but I also like chicken, seeing both of those in the fridge I begin to prepare them cleaning the chicken, rinsing the shrimp, making sure the Tails were where they needed to be.
Once the water finished boiling I put in the pasta turned the heat down low and put them on it.
    Cooking has always been a safe haven for me ever since I was young I can only remember very little of my childhood, so the few memories I do have are filled with memories of me cooking, but shadowed figures that I still can't make out helping me. I grew up in the Foster system with no one to really call Mom or Dad, the caretaker Maria was super sweet and always honest. She treated me like I was her own and even though she couldn't have kids she always made sure that we had anything that we needed. When other kids were bullying me she would watch over me, she would take me places and we would get ice cream sometimes she wouldn't even let me go to school because she was afraid of what the kids would do. I had really bad nightmare so she'd even let me sleep with her. The nightmares were about everything from stupid little spiders to falling to my death being and dying. Once the pasta was finished I took it out put some sauce over it, I had already cooked the chicken and the shrimp so putting those in there and letting it sit so that the cream could thicken, I went into the living room turning on the TV making sure that it worked and  that I didn't break anything because I really don't want to see what they would do if I did. I then checked which channels they had, seeing as how I wasn't much of a TV Watcher and to be honest was only really interested in fantasy or sci-fi or maybe mystery movies and books. I don't know, I worked a lot so TV wasn't really an option and growing up in foster care we didn't always have luxury such as a TV we often played outside by we I mean me because the other kids didn't like to play with me. 
    Taking my plate full of fettuccine and a glass of apple juice, I went into the living and settled in watching Supernatural.

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