Chapter 7: Back Home

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***Three days later***

The Winx sat in their dorm, patiently waiting for the specialist to arrive acter receiving permission for their trip. Flora turned in her seat towards Luna, hands twirling her hair.

"Luna, I'm so excited to go to your home world! I hear it's home to the most beautiful ice flowers in the realm."

"It is, and luckily for you, they're in season. I can take you to our family's garden if you want."

The fairy of nature smiled brightly, giving a small nod. A ringtone rang out through the room, causing all eyes to turn to Tecna, who was checking a message.

"It was Timmy, the boys are 5 minutes away."

Giving a hum of acknowledgment, Bloom stood up with a stretch.

"Alright, girls, let's head out!"


The group all jolted in place, whipping around to stare at Stella. The princess had emerged from her room, slightly out of breath.

"We can't go to an Ice planet without the proper attire. So, allow me to introduce you to these designs I made just for this occasion."

With a flick of her wrist a bright light covered her friends. The glow simmered down ever so gently, revealing the beautiful pastel winter coats. The girls all stared in amazement at their specialized coats, before turning to the sun fairy. Praising her with complements.

"Stella, you've out done yourself again."

"It's what I do. And don't worry, I used a special spell so we'll stay warm and look cute. Now, let's head off, our boys are waiting."

The group exited their dorm, heading towards the courtyard, arriving just in time to see the boys land. The rear door opened, letting the girls enter. The boys stood from their seats, greeting their girlfriends with hugs & kisses. Luna sauntered deeper aboard, glancing around curiously.

"See anything interesting?"

Luna suppressed the urge to flinch at the voice beside her ear. Turning she was greeted with Alister smiling down at her.

"I've never been inside one of these ships before. It's very high tech."

"Codatorta only provides the best for his students."

The red heads eyes trailed up and down Luna appraisingly.

"That coat looks lovely on you."

"Ah, thank you, it was Stellas design."

"Hmm, she made it but you're the one who made it work."

"Well aren't you just a charmer."

Luna chuckled as she gently bumped the prince with her shoulder. Moving away from her friend she took a seat towards the side.

"Alright everyone, we should get going."

The teens hurriedly dispersed to their seats. Timmy sat at the wheel with Riven, Helia, Brandon, and Sky at the other control panels. Feeling a dip in the seat connected to hers, Luna glanced over to see Alister seated beside her. The prince placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, offering a small smile. Luna reached up, squeezing his hand in acknowledgment,

"Coordinates to Crystalia are set."

With a few buttons pressed the group was off.

♤♡◇♧♤45 minutes later♤♡◇♧♤

Fairy of The Ice Dragon (Book 1 Of The Ice Dragon Series)Where stories live. Discover now