Part 44

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The girls and me were now all cuddled up together while watching Winnie the Pooh. C'mon gotta let them see my favorite movies.

Although they trash talked it because they didn't want to watch it. But they big head asses were all watching it so into it now.

When it's done we then all go to the kitchen for snacks.

We were now all eating sandwiches while talking about our boo thangs. Well except Allure she claims she wanna be alone forever but we know she feeling on Desean again.

"Yo Franky be fucking around with bitches still and how you make Gees so faithful because I swear I'm so close to just beating his ass and leaving but he's so cuttte" Ella whines and does a big bite on her sandwich.

"Just let him know how you feeling, and let him know he can't just fuck around with you, but also be there for him. It'll take time " I smile hugging her and she smiles slightly and continues taking big bites as we laugh at her.

"Franky does that to see your reaction trust we used to be close ass friends now we just friends" Allure laughs.

"Well ima go bye bye if he don't stop shiettt" Ella rolls her eyes.

"Yo tell me why Fenix the other day was like "Bee what's up with yo ass" and I was like the hell he going on about right" she says.

"Right" Allure says chewing on some hot Cheetos.

"Then he like "no for real it look um different" stuttering so I was like he talking shit about my ass but then his stupid ass said "it look bigger" I was dying but yeah" she then looks all serious but we then all burst out laughing.

"Y'all how long the tour" I ask and they shrug not knowing themselves.


The girls were now downstairs making slime, head assesssss.

But I went upstairs seeing Handro was calling me.

Hey boo : I yell into the face time

"What took you so long" he groans laying in his bed.

I was with my boo thang : I joke

"Shut uppp" he laughs

I was with the girls watching them do slime : I snort

"They would" he laughs

So how was last night concert : I yawn laying back too

"good man they was so lit" he smiles

Hey we gotta do something when you get home: I wink

"My EARSSSSSS" I hear Kato yell from beside Handro.

Oh shut up I'm talking about watching Winnie the Pooh: I then show him the disc I had to show him and they both look at me like bitch really

What: I sassily yell causing them to laugh

"You and Winnie the Pooh man" Handro laughs

Man who's a man not me: I roll my eyes flipping my hair

"Shut up you hella goofy today" he laughs hearing me snort and all.

Bro I'm hungry and I just ate : I laugh

"You eat every second we know" Kato laughs while Handro laughs along but stops when he sees my face.

Ima fuck you up bestie on God : I joke but keep a serious face on

"Ya okay" We then both laugh while Handro rolls his eyes.

"I never know when y'all serious" he laughs

Need // Ohgeesy pt.2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें