Part 26

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Ohgeesy p.o.v

It was now 4am and I was awaken by Atiya pulling my hair to get my attention. So I get up even though I rather stay in bed.

"C'mon lets leave your mom sleep" I yawn grabbing her.

I then cover up Hen and go downstairs with a very awake Atiya.

"Da " she whispers

"Hmm que paso" (what happened) I smirk placing her in her small seat.

"Arja Ma" she then tilts her head and I nod although I don't understand.

I then pour her some cereal although Hen says not to give her any since she doesn't have teeth yet but she loves it.

I then hear a knock and I grab my glock from inside my boxers and open the door confused.

"Look man I'm sor-" Franky says shivering

"Get in" I cut him off.

I knew I was going against one of my personal big rules!

Do not let no back stabbing bitch in your life again, the same 'accident ' will occur again

He's luck Hennessy been rubbing off on me. Now what would she do right now?

"Look Gee-"

"It's fine wait no it's not fine but bro fuck is wrong with you" I ask feeding Atiya again who seems to love the chocolate Corn flakes.

"Man Hennessy just some how got my heart and I'm so sorry bro it just was so tempting but I swear on my life she kissed back" he sighs looking down.

Lately that's been bugging me, she fucking  kissed back. My nigga Alonzo R.I.P him but I promised him I would never love no cheating bitch.

So didn't she technically cheat? Or was it forced. I didn't know what exactly happened and that's what bugged the most. It seemed to get harder harder to avoid. I felt stuck and unsure what to do in this subject so I kept trying to act like it didn't even happen.

But that wasn't working out because Franky kept rubbing it in my fucking face.

"Bro stops saying that aight she only want me I can assure you that" I whisper yell and his eyes water but he blinks them away and nods.

"We got a whole ass baby man and if you even try to screw shit up again trust and believe ima fuck you up, believe it" I warn getting all up in his face.

"Fuck he doing here" Kato ask walking in the kitchen.

"Talking but he staying I warned him and he got one chance" I roll my eyes hating I was doing such a Hennessy move!

Yeah she was the hardest female I knew but she forgave to easily and that's where she seemed to always fuck up in. If I was her to be honest I would've left me already.

"Oh for real" Kato ask confused and eating Atiya food and Atiya immediately yells and pulls his hair.

"No no" I yell but not so loud pulling her hands away and she immediately cries loud and yells.

"What happened to my baby " Hennessy ask walking in with some booty shorts and my shark shirt.

I know they guys and they have eyes that can see how bomb my girl is but I smack Kato and Franky who's eyes wandered around her body. Just like always Hennessy innocent ass doesn't even notice the stares.

"She pulled Kato hair and I told her not to" I explain and she nods picking Atiya up and rocking her walking around the kitchen shushing her.

"Mama go cover up" I say grabbing Atiya and she looks confused and when she notices who's in the room she frowns seeing Franky and immediately walks upstairs.

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